Nkumba University is one of the largest private universities in East Africa. It was granted a Charter by the Government of Uganda in 2006. The University is a non-profit, non-denominational institution providing an enabling environment for students to achieve competence, creativity, confidence and character so as to think critically and act responsibly in an increasingly competitive national and global environment. The University promotes education in business, sciences and technical disciplines, the arts, social sciences, communication as well as cultural fields.
Nkumba University is located 27 kilometers along Kampala-Entebbe Highway, which is 10-minutes’ drive from Entebbe International Airport.
The University admits students in August and February in the course of each Academic year, which runs from August to June. Admissions are currently ongoing for the August 2013 in-take for all courses offered in the six Schools of the University.
Students have the option of enrolling for Day, Evening or Weekend Programmes. Alternatively, one may prefer to study under the Distance Learning programme. Day courses are conducted from 7.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Evening courses are held from 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Weekend courses are conducted on Saturday and Sunday from 7.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Distance Learning, just like the Weekend programme, is tailored for the convenience of employed students who have to keep at their jobs. These study arrangements provide sufficient flexibility to meet student needs.
Fees and administrative costs at Nkumba University are competitive compared to other institutions or universities offering related courses or programmes.
Minimum entry requirements
For degree programmes, applicants should have either:
- UCE (at least 5 passes) and UACE (at least 2 principal passes); or,
- A Diploma qualification from a recognized institution of Higher Learning; or,
- A pass in Mature Age Examinations.
For Diploma programmes, the applicant should have either:
- UCE (at least 5 passes) and UACE (at least 1 principal pass) plus 2 subsidiary passes; or,
- The equivalent of the above.
Please note that for a number of the academic programmes in the various Schools, the University also offers certificate qualifications where the minimum entry requirements are:
- UCE (at least 5 passes) and UACE (at least 3 subsidiary passes).
For postgradeuate programmes, the applicant should have:
- A good first degree from a recognized institution of Higher Learning.
For the August 2013 Intake, interested persons are encouraged to apply not later than mid June 2013.
Inquiries and applications for admission should be directed to:
The Academic Registrar
Nkumba University
P. O. Box 237
Tel: 256 (414) 374994/302283.
Fax: 256 (414) 374288/4321448.
E-mail: [email protected]
The University has six Schools that promote education in business, sciences and technical disciplines, the arts, social sciences, communication as well as cultural fields. The six Schools include:
School of Business Administration
1. The following are the graduate qualifications offered from SBA: · Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management (BHRM).
- Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT).
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BIT).
- Bachelor of Applied Computing (BAC).
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc. CS).
- Bachelor of Networks and Systems Administration (BNSA).
- Bachelor of Business Law (BBL).
- Bachelor of Taxation Management (BTM).
- Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management (BPLM).09uwsuhu h oo
- Bachelor of Office Management and Secretarial Studies (BOMSS).
- Bachelor of Records and Information Management.
- Bachelor of Multi-lingual Secretarial Studies and Administration.
The BBA programme is obtainable with specialization in one of the following: Management, Marketing, Accounting, or Banking, Insurance and Finance. The Diploma programme in Business Administration is also designed in such a manner that after completing the general courses, the student may specialize in one of the following fields: Management, Marketing, Accounting, Clearing and Forwarding, Purchasing and Supplies Management or Banking, Insurance and Finance. Other Diploma programmes include: Diploma in Computer Science, Diploma in Information Technology, and Diploma in Office Management and Secretarial Studies. The Diploma programmes take two years. A certificate course is also offered in Office Management, and this is for one year.
2. Exceptional MBA and other Masters programmes The MBA from Nkumba University ensures that a graduate is able to stand on his or her own by putting up personal businesses, starting with small industries or other small-scale businesses. Therefore, entrepreneurship, project planning as well as application for sponsorships are inculcated. Human resource management is equally emphasized as well as corporate strategy that entails positioning an organization vis-à-vis its competitors. Masters in Business Administration is designed for graduates of any field of study. Emphasis is placed on operational aspects of business, and permits one to qualify in any of the following specializations:
- Accounting & Finance, or
- Management, or
- Marketing, or
- Information Technology.
3. Besides MBA, the School offers other Masters programmes that include:
- Master of Science in Management (MSc.Mgt).
- Master of Science in Marketing (MSc.Mkt).
- Master of Science in Banking and Finance (MSc. BF).
- Master of Science in Human Resource Management (MSc. HRM).
- Master of Science in Accounting and Finance (MSc. AF).
- Master of Taxation Management (MTM).
- Master of Procurement and Logistics Management (MPLM).
- Master of Computing & Information Systems (MCIS).
- Master of Information Technology (MIT).
- Master of Human Resource Management.
The programmes in Master of Science are offered to only those with the requisite academic background in that area at the under-graduate level. The same applies to MCIS and MTM. For the others, one would require a good first degree to be eligible. 4. Additionally, SBA offers PhD programmes by research for a minimum period of three years and a maximum number of six years.
School of Law and Institute of Criminal Justice
Nkumba University School of Law strives to produce law graduates who adhere to the University motto – “I Owe You”. That caliber of graduates would put service to their community above self first, and thus answer the needs of Uganda and the expanding co-operation among the Eastern African States. Nkumba University School of Law aims at producing law graduates capable of meeting the demands of the global village, with all the growing international commercial activities and the issues disturbing international law and order.
The LL.B degree course
- The LL.B degree course covers a minimum period of 4 (four) academic years, that is 8 (eight) semesters.
- A student may obtain the LL.B. Degree in a shorter period where that student is exempted from one or more years whose courses he must have passed at another recognized Law School.
- A student may take longer than 4 (four) years to obtain the degree where, in the discretion of the Examiners’ Board, he repeats a year or has been allowed a dead year.
- The degree shall be obtained within a maximum period of 6 (six) academic consecutive years, including, where applicable, a dead year.
a) Bachelor of Criminal Justice
i) The Degree Course covers a minimum period of 3 (three)
academic years, that is 6 (six) semesters.
ii) A student may obtain the Bachelor of Criminal Justice Degree
in a shorter period where that student is exempted from one
or more years whose courses he must have passed at Diploma
level. A student in this case must have scored 60% and above
in the respective courses.
iii) A student may take longer than 3 (three) years to obtain the
degree where, in the discretion of the Examiners’ Board, he
repeats a year or has been allowed a dead year.
iv) The degree shall be obtained within a minimum period of 5 (five) academic consecutive years, including, where applicable, a dead year.
b) Diploma in Criminal Justice
i) The Diploma Course covers a minimum period of 1 (one)
academic year, that is 2 (two) semesters.
ii) A student may take longer than 1 (one) year to obtain the diploma where, in the discretion of the Examiners’ Board, he repeats a year or has been allowed a dead year.
iii) The diploma shall be obtained within a minimum period of 2
(two) academic consecutive years, including, where
applicable, a dead year.
School of Social sciences.
The School of Social Sciences (SOSS) is one of the six Schools of Nkumba University. It was carved out of the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences in 2005 with the aim of fully harnessing its programmes into community-based development activities for the transformation of lives in its outreach initiatives.
The School offers both Post-graduate and Under-graduate programmes in the fields of Development and Community Studies as well as Public Administration and Political studies.
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A. Qualifications derived the Department of Development and Community Studies
i.) Diploma courses:
- Diploma in Development Studies.
- Diploma in HIV/AIDS Education and Management.
ii.) Graduate courses:
- Bachelors of Arts in Development Studies (DES).
- Bachelors of Arts in Community-Based Development (CBD).
- Bachelors of Arts in Sociology and Development (SOD).
iii.) Postgraduate courses:
- Masters of Arts in Development studies.
- Master of Arts in Human Rights and Human Development.
- Masters of Arts in Community-Based Development.
- Masters of Arts in Sociology and Development.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Community Based Development.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Sociology and Development.
Each course program has a specified number of subjects to be completed for one to qualify for the award of a Diploma, Degree or a Masters. Each subject is examined through continuous course assessments as well as examinations at the end of each semester.
Students cannot sit for end of semester examinations unless they have actually pursued the chosen subjects, consistently attended lectures, and completed all the required course works.
Moreover, while the robust lecture room theoretical orientation inculcates critical analysis in the students, equally emphasized is exposure to practical experience(s) in relation to development. For all the courses –including for example B.A. Community Based Development and B.A. Sociology and Development – students in their final year are followed through at internships in chosen communities or organizations to enable them attain practical skills by the active engagement in development work and research.
The Department of Development and Community Studies is now posed to introduce the following new programmes:
- BA in Sustainable Rural Agriculture and Development.
- BA in Technology and Society.
- MA in Development Planning and Management.
- MA in Security Studies.
- Masters in Project Management.
B. Qualifications derived from the Department of Public Administration and Political Studies
The qualifications drawn from this department include:
i.) Diploma in Public Administration & Management.
- Bachelor of Public Administration and Management.
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy.
- Post-graduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management.
- Post-graduate Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy.
- Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management.
- Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy.
These programmes are ingrained with political studies plus international relations and diplomacy, and are designed to impart good governance skills vital for the public and private sector as well as diplomatic and peace making initiatives. The programmes are based on knowledge of Uganda’s public sector and are enriched with the International Studies Curriculum entailing international management and leadership.
The programmes are particularly suitable for:
a.) Human Resource Managers.
b.) Public Accountants/Financial Managers.
c.) Public Relations Managers.
d.) Public Policy Managers.
The third category of programmes in this Department – that is, programmes in International Relations and Diplomacy – are particularly designed for career diplomats, international lawyers, inter-governmental organizations and other agencies involved in global issues. Students are availed the opportunity to undertake at least one internship programme or research project to ground them in fields they would prefer to work.
This category of programmes has continued to attract Ugandan and regional students from Kenya, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Ethiopia as well as the United Kingdom (UK). Moreover, the students come from various professional backgrounds including politics, the military and Foreign Service.
SOSS has now embarked on Ph.D programmes in the fields of Development Studies as well as Public Administration and Management.
School of Humanities, Education and Science.
The School of Education, Humanities and Sciences (SEHS) was started at the same time that Nkumba College of Commerce and Advanced Studies was transformed into Nkumba University in 1994. The School has since garnered vast and enviable experience in education as well as teacher training, offering unique practical curricular. Indeed some courses in education are offered with the novel blend of Psychology Guidance and Counseling. Additionally, SEHS offers the degree of Bachelor of Science in Journalism as well as Diplomas and Certificates in the same course.
The School inclines to a practical outlook tailored with innovative subject combinations in teacher-training, and has introduced post-graduate programmes for individuals aspiring to become lecturers as well as administrators at universities and other tertiary institutions.
Programmes offered.
1. Teacher Education Programmes
- Certificate course for nursery school teachers.
- Certificate course for school matrons, housemasters, senior women teachers and school nurses (students’ pastoral care and health programme).
- Access course in English Proficiency.
- Certificate in Psychology Guidance and Counseling for teachers.
- Certificate course in Educational Management.
- Certificate course in Early Childhood Education.
- Certificate course in Computer Literacy and Application.
- Certificate course in Counseling for non-teachers.
2. Diploma courses
- Diploma in Early Childhood Education.
- Diploma in Primary Education.
- Diploma in Education Management.
- Diploma in Education for Secondary Schools.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education.
3. Bachelors’ Degree courses for aspiring teachers
- Bachelor of Arts Education for Secondary Schools with the following arts subjects: English language, Literature in English, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Luganda, Geography, History, French, Fine Art, Islam, Kiswahili, Religious studies, Guidance and Counseling.
- Bachelor of Science Education for Secondary Schools with the following science subjects: Agriculture, Nutrition, Biology, Chemistry, Computer, Mathematics and Physics.
4. Bachelors degree programmes for Primary Education
- Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood.
- Bachelor of Education in Primary Education.
5. Bachelor in Community Disability Studies
SEHS also offers professional training to facilitate service delivery to persons with disabilities (PWDs).
6. Bachelor of Science in Journalism
The programme is offered at certificate, diploma and degree levels, and is designed to advance specialized knowledge in the field of Journalism. It cultivates requisite research skills, practical and theoretical knowledge of journalism, mass communication, public relations, computer designs and graphics as well as media and its role in society. In addition, the programme inculcates media research methods, analysis of media texts and issues in representation.
The programme examines the principles and practices of journalism, and all students undertake practical media modules.
The School is in the process of furnishing its radio and TV studios with state-of-the-art equipment for holistic teaching and students’ practice. As a result of the lectures, practicals and internship undertaken at the various print and electronic media houses, the School graduates are able to work in a variety of fields in the traditional news media – that is, print and electronic – as well as publishing, advertising, public relations, research institutes, creative writing, animation production, indexing, studio management. The student is taught with a view that if he or she has not been offered employment, he or she will create his or her own job.
7. Bachelor of Science in Psychology Guidance and Counseling
This programme is also offered at certificate, diploma and degree levels as well as Masters and Ph.D levels. Through lectures and practicals on campus and in the community around the University as well as block fieldwork placements in schools and remand homes, hospitals, police and the army and other government departments, as well as in tertiary institutions and industries, students graduate when ready to be employed in such institutions or indeed start up their own employment as Counselors or consultants.
8. Masters degree programmes
- Curriculum, Supervision and Evaluation.
- Comparative Education.
- Economics Education.
- History of Education.
- Philosophy of Education.
- Sociology of Education.
- Language Education.
- Geography, History, Religious Studies Education.
- Islam.
- Education Management and Planning.
- Master of Science Psychology Guidance and Counseling.
9. PH.D programmes
The School conducts Ph.D programmes in courses related to education as well as Psychology Guidance and Counseling.
School of Commercial, Industrial Art and Design.
Nkumba University’s School of Commercial, Industrial Art and Design (SCIAD) started in 1979 under the Department of Marketing at the time when the current University was still a College of Commerce. The idea to teach commercial art was hatched by Mr. Christopher Kalungi Sempa a professional teacher who is a member of the Board of Trustees of the University, the late Elly Ssemanda an artist who also composed the University anthem as well as late Paulo Mukasa a consummate musician.
At that time there were other institutions teaching art, for example: Makerere University was teaching fine art; the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo, was teaching Art education, and Nkumba College of Commerce started a commercial industrial art school. The lecturers taught practical courses to meet instant market needs such as commercial printing, graphics, painting, ceramics and sculpture.
Programs offered.
SCIAD programmes are highly marketable, and by keenly following market trends, these are continuously updated so that students aren’t taught what is obsolete.
Qualifications offered at SCIAD
MA CIAD (Commercial, Industrial Art and Design) in either:
- Textile Design.
- Fashion Design.
- Graphic Communication Design.
- Computer graphics.
- Sculpture.
- Jewelery.
- Painting.
- Art History.
- Ceramics.
- Drawing.
Bachelors of:
- Commercial Arts (BACA).
- Graphic Communication Design (BGCD).
- Fashion and Textile Design (BFTD)
Diploma of:
- Graphic Digital Design (DGDD).
- Interior and Landscape Design (DILD).
- Vocation Arts and Design (DVAD).
Certificate in:
- Commercial, Industrial Arts and Design (CIAD)
School of Sciences.
The School of Sciences (SOS), which was until recently the School of Hospitality and Environmental Science, is one of the six Schools of Nkumba University. It started operating under-graduate programmes in 1994, first in Hotel Management, Catering and Tourism. In 2002 the academic programmes were expanded by buttressing the Tourism component and detaching it from the hotel sector, and then adding to the previous programmes the following: Environment Management, Fisheries Management and Technologies, Wildlife Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Agribusiness, Home Economics, Applied Biology and Petroleum and Minerals Management. These are offered at degree, diploma and certificate levels.
Masters degrees and post-graduate diplomas have been awarded in the Tourism and Environment Management programmes. In 2005 the School commenced PhD studies in Tourism and Environmental studies. It became the first among the other five Schools of the University to present a PhD graduate, which was at the April 2009 graduation ceremony.
Programs offered.
SCOS offers post-graduate qualifications at Post-graduate Diploma, M.Sc and Ph.D levels in the following fields:
- Environment Planning and Management.
- Environmental Impact Assessment.
- Wildlife and Forestry Resource Management.
- Fisheries Management and Technology.
- Tourism Planning and Management.
- Hotel management and Institutional Catering.
- Home Economics.
At the Certificate, Diploma and B.Sc levels, SCOS offers under-graduate qualifications in the following sectors:
- Environment and Natural Resources Management.
- Wildlife and Forestry Resources Management.
- Tourism Operations.
- Hotel Management and Institutional Catering.
- Home Economics.
- Sustainable Agriculture.
- Applied Biological Sciences.
- Financial Engineering.
- Petroleum and Minerals Management and Technology.
- Agribusiness Entrepreneurship.
Nkumba: A Sports Powerhouse in the Region
At the 7th East African University games hosted by Kenyatta University from December 16 – 21, 2010 Nkumba University dominated the ball games by winning 4 Golds and 1 Silver in six ball games. Nkumba also bagged 2 Golds in a rare double in 200m and 400m in Tugumisirize Emmanuel. Indeed Nkumba University sports team has continually stood out among its peers in games and other co-curricular activities such as the Zain Brain Game. In 2006, Nkumba University participated at the Nairobi Zain Brain Game and emerged 4th from the 16 competing East Africa universities.The following year Nkumba University emerged 2nd.
The University sports team has garnered a total of 134 Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies since 1994 to date. The girls have been particularly admirable at the field games. In netball, for instance, the Nkumba University team has been champions of the Inter-University netball competitions since 2005 at Ndejje University. “At the level of the East Africa University games, the Nkumba University netball team have been champions from 2004,” states Mr. Patrick Ssebuliba, the Sports Tutor.
Still, the Women’s handball team has been champions since 2005 at the level of Inter-University games in Uganda as well as the East Africa University Games. The success is explained by the support rendered to the sports team by the University Management and also by the healthy competitive spirit of the University students.
The University has been organizing the Nkumba Open Volley Ball Championships every June since 1995, and it is the most prestigious volleyball championship in the land. The competition attracts over fifty teams including clubs, secondary schools and institutions of all categories. Nkumba University has time and again retained the trophies for both men and women. In 2006, the Nkumba University Basketball Team was 6th out of 13 countries that participated at the All-Africa Basketball championship held in Nairobi, Kenya. The Women Volleyball team traveled to Kigali, Rwanda, in June 2010 for the Annual Genocide Memorial Cup and emerged 3rd for women and 5th for men among the competing regional teams. In September 2010, both the men and women’s teams were runners up in the National volleyball championship hosted at Gulu Pece Stadium.