Sample Activity of Integration on LSC S1:Air, Burning and Rusting

The quality of air in urban centers has changed due to human activities. These activities are the main driving factors increasing a range of environmental issues. There is no doubt that air pollution, which constitutes a pressing environmental concern, poses a range of negative health implications at local, regional, and
global scales, including higher instances of cardiorespiratory diseases among urban dwellers.
Due to the unavoidability and difficulty of such effects, educational research has been directed towards identifying the major causes of air pollution.

Sample Activity of Integration on LSC S1:Air, Burning and Rusting 1

Task: Write a speech to educate your village friends on how you can identify the major causes, effects and solutions to air, pollution.

Chapter 10 summary
Air is a mixture of gases which include: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and noble gases.
Nitrogen takes 78% of air and oxygen 21% of air by volume. The two gases are described as the main components of air.
In addition to those gases in air, dust particles, smokes and microbes are also present in air. The components of air can be separated by means of fractional distillation of liquefied air. The key apparatus in this process is the fractionating column.
Human activities tend to change the quality of air by introducing other substances in air. This is known as air pollution.
Oxygen is described as the active component of air as it is necessary for wood and other substances to burn. Even rusting requires oxygen.
Two important factors affect the rate of rusting. These are; presence of oxygen and presence of moisture or water vapour.
Elements, both metallic and non-metallic react with oxygen to form their respective oxides.

tumugonze Timothy

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tumugonze Timothy

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