![CS3: Assignment 2 On Web Design 1](https://www.yaaka.cc/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/assignment-text-written-over-colorful-260nw-766307032-460x165.jpg)
Answer any two numbers
Kisakye Charles General Hardware Mubende has contracted you to design for it a website. Using any available web authoring software design a three page website for this enterprise. Make sure that you site is impressive and does not take long to download
Note: Use Font style Comic Sans Ms for the Marquee, Fuchsia as the Background and a Horizontal Line with height “6”
All pages should have your name bottom right as the owner
- The home page should have the enterprise address, location, staff and the building photograph
- The services page should have a bulleted list of all the services offered and other necessary information about the enterprise
- The queries page should have a form that a customer can fill in case he / she is making inquiries about the enterprise.
- Use a moving page title on all pages
- Use nice looking navigational Links to all your pages
- Show the contact of the author, copyright and date of publishing
- Save your work as “Kisakye – (your Surname)
The two web pages below are for Makindye University Website.
You have been awarded the contract of designing a website made up of four pages for Kimbugwe and Sons Garage. The following information is to be included on the website.
Page One: Index Page
- Should be a homepage with a page title, “KIMBUGWE & SONS GARAGE WEBSITE”
- A logo and a motto: “Quality Service, Lasting Experience”
- Top and bottom horizontal navigation bars with active hyperlinks to all the other pages of the website.
- A Message about the Business including:
- The physical location (street and plot number) of the business.
- Date when the garage was first opened.
- The working hours.
- Services offered at the Garage (E.g. Vehicle Servicing and repairs, Fuelling, Spare parts etc.)
- A marquee with words “Thank you for visiting!” at the bottom.
Page two: Employees
- Should have table with at least five employees who work at the garage, including their ID Numbers, Names, Job Title and Email.
Page three: Photo Gallery
- Add about 6 well organized photos from the clip art collection to represent how this page will be used.
Page four: Contact us
- Add on this page in a bulleted format:
- Telephone Contact (Office)
- Telephone contact (Mobile Line)
- Postal Address.
- Feedback link which a visitor to the website can follow to send an email.
- Include a Form on this page for visitors to give Feedback.
NB: – Assign imaginary names and corresponding numbers and addresses to the above.
Use horizontal lines to make your work look more attractive
- Insert your name in the right bottom corner (as footer) on each webpage.
- Print each of the four web pages.
- Save and Rename your web folder as KSGARAGE.
You have been given a contract to design a four-page website for a school in your district.
- Use a background of Fuchsia in all your pages
- A horizontal solid line with height 6 across your web pages
- A moving marquee as “Education is Life, Your life Your Education” on all pages created in Font size 18, Comic Sans Ms, bolded and italicized in blue colour.
- Your name and Index number at the end of the first page
(a) Design the pages as outlined below:
Page I: Name of the school, contact address and any Clip Art to represent the school buildings.
Page II: Location: – this should include the district, division and a simple auto shape drawing of a school map showing the direction of the school.
Page III: A simple form for the interested parents to fill for their children on-line. It should include Name, Class, Age, Nationality, Religion, Parent’s Name and Contact.
Page IV: It should show the organizations that are friends to the school.
(b) Use appropriate working links.
(c) Save your web pages as “School web”
KAKURU BENARDKakuru Benard is a distinguished specialist in Digital Learning and teaching. A consultant trainer and researcher in ICTs, computer science and geography, Kakuru has also published books with the Uganda National Curriculum Development Centre, undertaken Interactive and Adaptive Digital Content Creation with Yaaka Digital Network (www.yaaka.cc), digital content creation and optimization for online learning, and digital classrooms in order to help learners and teachers improve at all levels. Since 2015 Kakuru Benard has taught ICT, trained teachers, tutors and lecturers in ICT Integration, multimedia and digital communications and digital pedagogy, helping them to learn and teach better in organizations and schools including Equatorial College School, St Joseph of Nazareth High School, Yaaka Digital Network, as well as Multimedia and 21st Century Skills trainings with Makerere University Department of Journalism and Communication, Brac Uganda, Uganda Christian University, Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Uganda Martyrs University, UNICEF, US Mission and FAWE Uganda. Kakuru Benard is a graduate from Uganda Martyrs University.
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