1 a) Identify 3 secondary sex characteristics that occur in both boys and girls.

  1. b) Why should an adolescent under secondary sex characteristics observe maximum

personal hygiene?

1 a) Why is it not good for one to put on:

(i) Wet knickers

(ii) Tight knickers

(b) How can a girl/woman care for her reproductive system?

(c) Why is it not good for us to use a dirty latrine or toilet?

  1. Name the gametes that are produced by:

(a) Testes

(b) Ovaries

(c) Anthers

(d) Ovary

a) Why is a pregnant woman advised?

(i)  To eat more foods that are rich in proteins?

(ii) To have light physical exercises?

(iii)  To have enough rest and sleep?

(iv To observe proper personal hygiene?

  1. b) Why is a pregnant woman considered to be a vulnerable person?
  2. c) State 2 conditions in which a woman is said to be vulnerable.

1 a) Name the sexually transmitted disease(s) that is caused by:

(i) A virus (Give at least 3)

(ii) A bacterium (Give at least 2)

(iii) A fungus

(iv) A protozoa

  1. b) Which STD:

(i) Affects the kidneys?

(ii) Causes blindness to the unborn baby?

(iii) Causes madness to a patient?

(c) Why should people living with HIV/AIDS be availed with guidance and

Counselling services?

  1. d) Why should a husband suffering from gonorrhoea go for treatment with

his wife at the same time?

2 a) In which year was HIV/AIDS realised in Uganda?

  1. b) In which district of Uganda was the first HIV/AIDS death registered?
  2. c) Name the Ugandan artiste who publicly declared his HIV positivity in 1989?

3 a) What is HPV in full?

  1. b) Which part on the female reproductive system is attacked by HPV germ?
  2. c) How is the government of the Republic of Uganda trying to control cervical


  1. d) How can a female person protect herself against contracting cervical cancer?

4 a) Write the following abbreviations in full.

(i)  SMC

(ii) ABC

(iii)  ANC

  1. b) Why is the Ministry of Health encouraging uncircumcised men to go for safe male

circumcision today (SMC)?

Olepor Ben

I am a dedicated professional primary teacher with an experience of 6 years teaching integrated science currently teaching at Vision for Africa primary school. I participate in Item setting and marking exams at school, district and national level with Uganda National Examination Board and still moving. So with the experience and qualification above; I feel competent in changing lives through integrated science.

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Olepor Ben

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