1. What motivates you to succeed?

  2. What are your short-term job goals?

  3. What are your long term job goals?

  4. What kind of financial compensation would you expect for this position?

  5. Some people are more comfortable in a job interview than others. Which are you?

1.  When making decisions do you try to remain objective and consider the facts or do you allow your feelings and the effect of the decision of others to influence your decision?
2.  Do you leave your options open when it comes to making a decision or do you prefer to have matters settled one way or another?
3.  Would you prefer to develop new and innovative systems or work to make existing systems more efficient?
4.  Where would you say you fall in a scale between logical and analytical and personable and sensitive?
5.  Would you say you are more of a practical, hands-on worker or more of an idea person?
6.  Are you a detail person or do you go with the flow?
7.  On social occasions do you prefer listening to what is going on around you or do you prefer watching the goings-on?
8.  How do you prefer to learn — by being shown diagrams and pictures or through experiments and activities?
9.  When assigned a task, do you start by reading the instructions or do you start the task knowing you can figure it out as you go?
10.  Which of the following best describes your ability to speak in a way that convinces others of your point of view.
11.  Which of the following best describes your ability to clearly explain complex matters verbally.
12.  Which of the following best describes your ability to write clear instructions.
13.  Which of the following best describes your ability to compute numbers quickly in your head.
14.  Are you drawn to find the reason why things are the way they are or are you content to accept them that way?
15.  Which of the following describes your ability to visualize something in your mind and reproduce the visualization in an artistic form or design.
Tumwine Edward

I am a God fearing Ugandan involved in the Digital Communications, Training and Platform development.

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Tumwine Edward

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