Chapter 19 – Sample activity of integration

When people are tricked and lied to by those who have power over them, we call it “corruption”. This problem exists in many leadership situations. Imagine that in your community, there are leaders who are lying to the people about important matters.

You decide to write and stage a play which shows up their dishonest behaviour. In The Boy Who Cried Wolf, you saw how harmful lying can be, especially when people trust you. Your play should do the same, by exposing community leaders who are corrupt and helping the audience to recognise such behaviour. Before you start writing your play, read The Boy Who Cried Wolf (pages 227-230) again.

1. Now write your own play which shows dishonest behaviour.

a) Write a summary of the plot first. Which characters act dishonestly? What are the lies being told? How do they get exposed? How does it end – what is the effect of the lies?

b) Write a summary of the characters and describe their natures.

c) Think about how you will get the audience to know the characters. For example, characters can reveal their dishonesty through body language and facial expressions. Include tell-tale signs of lying in your stage directions, such as:

  • Laughing off the accusation.
  • Looking away, avoiding eye contact.
  • Smiling slyly behind his back
Magembe Solomon

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Magembe Solomon

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