Chapter 7: Processing and Preservation of Vegetables – Sample Activity

Increasing the shelf-life of vegetables


In your community, there is a market with a big heap of garbage which is mainly made of rotting vegetables. This is because the farmers produce more than what is needed for consumption.


1. As a learner of Nutrition and Food Technology, advise the market vendors how to ensure a long shelf-life for their vegetables in order to minimise the wastage.

2. Design a flow chart for preserving at least one vegetable for the market vendor/ farmer.

Chapter Summary

In this chapter you have learnt to:

  1. prepare the vegetables /herbs/spices for drying.
  2. dry vegetables/herbs/spices using a solar drier or a low temperature oven. p
  3. ound/crush/grind dried vegetables/herbs/spices into powder.
  4. package, label and sell the processed vegetables.
  5. follow recipes to prepare pickles, chutney and sauces.

End of Chapter Exercise

1. How are vegetables preserved?

2. Give the importance of blanching vegetables before freezing.

3. Formulate some recipes for preserving vegetables.

Magembe Solomon

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Magembe Solomon

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