CHAPTER ONE – Activity of Integration

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A school engineer was instructed to cut down a school banana plantation near the school and plan to build a school main hall there. When he engaged his labourers to dig the foundation, they found lots of materials like undecomposed clothes, soil layers of different colours and rusted metallic materials. This became a historical issue and many methods can be used to find out when these materials were buried and afterwards assess their historical impact.

Support materials: Figures 1.9 and 1.10 below show the soil layers the engineer encountered while digging the foundation of the building.

CHAPTER ONE - Activity of Integration 1

Figure 1.10: Digging a foundation for construction

Figure 1.11: Ruins of an old settlement in the ground


1. As a student of history, what method can you use to study such items found buried in the soil?
2. Explain how this can help you to trace your past.
3. If the construction site is turned into a historical site, what would be the benefits?

KAKURU BENARD and Opul Bonnyz

Kakuru Benard is a distinguished specialist in Digital Learning and teaching. A consultant trainer and researcher in ICTs, computer science and geography, Kakuru has also published books with the Uganda National Curriculum Development Centre, undertaken Interactive and Adaptive Digital Content Creation with Yaaka Digital Network (, digital content creation and optimization for online learning, and digital classrooms in order to help learners and teachers improve at all levels. Since 2015 Kakuru Benard has taught ICT, trained teachers, tutors and lecturers in ICT Integration, multimedia and digital communications and digital pedagogy, helping them to learn and teach better in organizations and schools including Equatorial College School, St Joseph of Nazareth High School, Yaaka Digital Network, as well as Multimedia and 21st Century Skills trainings with Makerere University Department of Journalism and Communication, Brac Uganda, Uganda Christian University, Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Uganda Martyrs University, UNICEF, US Mission and FAWE Uganda. Kakuru Benard is a graduate from Uganda Martyrs University.

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KAKURU BENARD and Opul Bonnyz

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