Assignment on classification of plants

Qn a) How are mosses similar to most fungi?

  1. b) How are fungi different from lichens?
  2. 1 a) What do we call the cells that produce chlorophyll in a leaf?
    1. b) State the role of chlorophyll during photosynthesis.

    2 a) Why does photosynthesis occur during day time?

    1. b) Why doesn’t photosynthesis occur at night?

    3 a) In which way are animals useful to plants during photosynthesis?

    1. b) In which two ways do animals benefit from plants during photosynthesis?
    2. 1 a) In which way is transpiration useful to man?         Transpiration helps man in the formation of rainfall.
      1. b) In which way is transpiration harmful to a plant?

               Transpiration makes a plant to wilt and dry during dry season.

    3. 1 a) Why do wind pollinated flowers produce a lot of pollen grains?
      1. b) Name the crop whose flowers are pollinated by man.

      2 a) Why is a moth able to pollinate some flowers at night?

      1. b) How is a beak of a sun bird able to suck nectar from flowers?
      2. c) Why are petals of some flowers brightly coloured?
Olepor Ben

I am a dedicated professional primary teacher with an experience of 6 years teaching integrated science currently teaching at Vision for Africa primary school. I participate in Item setting and marking exams at school, district and national level with Uganda National Examination Board and still moving. So with the experience and qualification above; I feel competent in changing lives through integrated science.

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Olepor Ben

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