In integrative negotiation, the goals of the parties are mutually exclusive.
A) True
B) False
An integrative negotiation problem should be defined as a solution process rather than as a specific goal to be attained.
A) True
B) False
“Expanding the pie” as a method of generating alternative solutions is a complex process, as it requires much more detailed information about the other party than do other methods.
A) True
B) False
In integrative negotiation, decisions must be finalized in each step of the negotiation process.
A) True
B) False
Multiple communication channels should not be used as they inevitably pass along inaccurate and confusing information.
A) True
B) False
In which major step of the integrative negotiation process of identifying and defining the problem would you likely find that if the problem is complex and multifaceted the parties may not even be able to agree on a statement of the problem?
A) define the problem in a way that is mutually acceptable to both sides.
B) state the problem with an eye toward practicality and comprehensiveness.
C) state the problem as a goal and identify the obstacles to attaining this goal.
D) depersonalizing the problem.
E) separate the problem definition from the search for solutions.
Successful logrolling requires
A) that the parties establish more than one issue in conflict and then agree to trade off among these issues so one party achieves a highly preferred outcome on the first issue and the other person achieves a highly preferred outcome on the second issue.
B) no additional information about the other party than his/her interests, and assumes that simply enlarging the resources will solve the problem.
C) that one party is allowed to obtain his/her objectives and he/she then “pays off” the other party for accommodating his/her interests.
D) a fundamental reformulation of the problem such that the parties are disclosing sufficient information to discover their interests and needs and then inventing options that will satisfy both parties’ needs.
E) all of the above.
“What are the other’s real underlying interests and needs?” is a question that can facilitate which of the following processes.
A) expanding the pie
B) logrolling
C) nonspecific compensation
D) bridging
E) cost cutting
Which of the following factors does not contribute to the development of trust between negotiators?
A) We are more likely to trust someone we perceive as similar to us or as holding a positive attitude toward us.
B) We often mistrust people who are dependent upon us because we are in a position to help or hurt them.
C) We are more likely to trust people who initiate cooperative, trusting behavior.
D) We are more likely to trust negotiators who make concessions.
E) We are less likely to trust negotiators who make no concessions.
Which of the following 5-step processes has been used successfully in a collective bargaining situation?
A) commitment, explanation, validation, prioritization, negotiation
B) commitment, exploration, verification, prioritization, negotiation
C) collaboration, explanation, validation, prioritization, negotiation
D) collaboration, exploration, verification, prioritization, negotiation
E) commitment, collaboration, verification, explanation, validation


Tumwine Edward

I am a God fearing Ugandan involved in the Digital Communications, Training and Platform development.

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Tumwine Edward

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