Creation story assignment


  1. What is to create?
  2. In which book of the Bible is the story of creation?
  3. Who wrote the book of Genesis?
  4. In how many days did God create the universe?
  5. How was man’s creation different from that of other creatures?



  1. What did God create on the following days;

1st day____, 2nd day ____, 3rd day ____, 5th day _____, 6th day ____.

  1. State the importance of the sky in the story of creation?
  2. What did God create on the last day?
  3. Why was Adam created last?
  4. Why was Adam created according to the story of creation?
  5. How is man different from other creatures?
  6. In which one way is man similar to God?
  7. State two indicators that man loved man must.
  8. How did God make the Sabbath day special?
  9. What does the word Sabbath mean?



  1. Write down 3 ways how people have misused the environment.
  2. How have people misused each of the resources below?
  3. i) Vegetation ——————————-
  4. ii) Wild animals——————————-

iii)           Land ——————————-

  1. iv) Water bodies ——————————-
  2. List some of the things God gave us to look after
  3. What happens to us if we misuse our environment?
  4. Why is the cutting down of trees bad?
  5. Why should we look after our soil?
  6. State two ways of looking after our soil?



  1. What do these names mean



  1. How did Adam and Eve sin against God?
  2. What separated man from God?
  3. What was the first sin to be committed on earth?



  1. What do you understand by the term original sin?
  2. Why were Adam and Eve sent out of Eden?
  3. What is a sin?
  4. Give one reason why sinning is bad.
  5. What was the immediate sin given to Adam and Eve?
  6. What separated Adam and God?
  7. Name the animal blamed for the down fall of man.
  8. Who committed the original sin?
  9. State four results of sin.
  10. How did Adam break his relationship with God?
  11. How did God reconcile with man kind?
  12. State one reason for the coming of Jesus Christ.
  13. What punishment did God give to the following after disobeying him?
  14. a) Adam
  15. b) Eve
  16. c) The serpent / snake
zak and umc

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zak and umc

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