
Punctuate the following sentences correctly.

  1. Juma said holidays is time to relax.
  2. There are three holiday periods said the teacher.
  3. We are making holiday plans they answered.
  4. He said the term one holiday is shorter than the third term holiday.
  5. Pupils should do house work during holidays said Martin.
  6. I am watching a movie said Charlene.
  7. You should learn computer during holidays said my aunt.
  8. I am going to have holiday studies said Alvin.

Punctuate the sentences indicating the pattern used:

  1. Please hand in your work said the class captain.
  2. I think said Hanifa we shall go for holidays tomorrow.
  3. Do you come here often he asked.
  4. After holidays said Atim, we shall get ready for beginning of term exams.
  5. I shall miss you when you have gone whispered James.
  6. When is the term ending asked the nurse.
  7. I think said Barry we shall have our end of year party on Friday.
  8. The old lady said the new teacher teaches well.
  9. I asked Patrick what do you want from here.
  10. The P.E. teacher asked do you like football or netball.
  11. I saw you take the sweets said the store man.
  12. Please said the school boy politely take my seat.

Change these sentences in indirect speech.

  1. They said, “we walk to school every Monday.”
  2. The boy said, “we speak English while at school.”
  3. He said, “I bring coloured pencils in every art lesson.”
  4. “ I take this to school every Thursday ,” said Odeke.
  5. “We go for holidays after exams,” said Okello.

Change the following sentences to reported speech.

  1. She says, “I am writing my holiday work.
  2. She said, “I am writing my holiday work.”
  3. “I am taking these books home now,” said Angella.
  4. “We are driving home now,” said Odota.
  5. The calssmonitor said, “I am collecting the books after the lesson.”
  6. She said, “Joan is sleeping in the classroom today.”
  7. “Babirye helps her parents during holiday,” says Kato.
  8. “She is getting ready for her holiday,” said Mary.

Change the sentence in indirect speech.

  1. “I have lost the way to my father’s farm Juma said.
  2. He said, “I have designed your compound today.”
  3. “Nambasa has lost her ring,” said Miriam.
  4. Elna said, “I lost my bag yesterday.”
  5. He said, “My brother passed PLE last year.
  6. I said, “I slept for a long time last Sunday.”
  7. The lazy boy said, “I didn’t complete my holiday work.”
  8. The girl said, “the dog has bitten this baby today.”
  9. “I received this gift from my aunt yesterday,” said Sarah
  10. “The holiday has ended today,” said Angella.

Rewrite the sentences using the structures (Hardly, scarcely or Barely)

  1. The teacher read out the best mark. All the candidates clapped their hands.
  2. We went home as soon as the headmaster addressed us.
  3. The pupils sat down when they received their reports.
  4. We all went to play immediately we heard the bell.
  5. The learners saw a snake. They shouted loudly.
  6. The form captain rubbed off the black board as soon as we completed the exercise.
  7. The players started the game immediately the referee blew the whistle.
  8. We ended the exam as soon as we heard the bell.
  9. I wrote to my aunt the moment I received an a message.
  10. We dispersed immediately we saw a stranger.

Change the sentences to reported speech.

  1. “They will go camping tomorrow,” said the guide.
  2. She said, “I shall see him soon.”
  3. “We shall break up for holidays next week.” Said Alvin.
  4. “I will begin the journey from home,” said Kakya.
  5. “She will tell you the story” said Marian.
  6. “I shall go alone to that shop,” said the small boy.
  7. “We shall meet at the function,” said Golola.
  8. “The dog will bite you if you shout,” said the farmer.
  9. “The visitors will find us there,” mum said.
  10. “He will stay with us during holiday,” said dad.
Jane and Byarugaba Jonah

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Jane and Byarugaba Jonah

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