DP: Digital Pedagoggy Assignment7

Describe any five tools and platforms you would use in your digital learning facilitation/ teaching, justifying why and how you would use each of the tool or platforms?

Gerald Businge

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  • During the two weeks of the Digital Pedagogy training, we were introduced to an overwhelming number of digital pedagogy tools. In reality, all the tools can make the teaching and learning experience very interesting and enjoyable. However, for now, as I get to practice and learn how to go about the tools I was introduced to, I plan to first settle for the following tools in my digital facilitation:

    1. A collaboration tool
    This tool is supposed to help me coordinate my classes and/or trainings in terms of team discussions and file sharing. Using a collaboration tool will actually enable me and my team to improve on our work because we can work on our projects together, at the same time, and wherever we are.

    The collaboration tool I am going to begin with is Google Drive. The reason for choosing Google Drive is that it is free, it has cloud storage services, and it is easy to use. But most importantly, I am comfortable with using it as digital tool. I just need to try out more of its services, utilize it more to improve on my work.

    As a team, we normally have meetings, work on several documents for example the eLearning strategy, and we develop training tutorials and manuals. Using the collaboration tool will be handy, for example, we can even share the meeting minutes draft and members comment, add or delete using Google Docs so that all comments, additions etc. are in that one document making it very easy for the minute taker to develop a final document.

    2. Learning Management System (LMS)
    The LMS that I plan to use is Moodle. I plan to use Moodle because it is open source and entirely no subscription is needed. But mostly because currently it is the official LMS for UCU, and Moodle has most of the functions needed in a LMS.

    In my current position at UCU, I use Moodle to set up courses for the online programs and for the Lecturers that would like to carry out blended learning.

    3. Multimedia packaging tool
    As mentioned in our Digital Pedagogy training content “Digital learning content is better when prepared in multimedia formats i.e using a combination of two or more of the media formats i.e. text, audio, video graphics and photos”

    I need to use at one multimedia packaging tool in all my presentations so as to reach out to all learners of different learning styles. Some people may learn better while reading text, others need to listen and audio to learn, others gain better by looking and observing a photo or graphic.

    As I venture more into learning how to use Canva, a graphic design platform, I will maximize the use of Power point presentation tool by Microsoft PowerPoint software. I will use this because it is readily available and I am comfortable using it. In addition, I discovered during the training that there is more to Power point presentation than what I have been utilising. For my future presentations I will venture more in including links, graphics, audio, and element animations to my presentations. I will also use the built-in notes function, and video-integration functionality among others.

    4. Authoring tool for Interactive Content
    Currently, in my work, I set up courses on Moodle and many times I get course content to upload for some of the course units I set up. Online learning is not about uploading files for learners to download, so I need an authoring tool to transform the content I get from the lecturers into interactive content for the learners. As mentioned in the content for our Digital pedagogy course, “Interactive content is a pedagogy that Integrates quizzes, games, and other interactive elements in an effort to drive more learner engagement with the content”

    I will use the H5p tool for authoring interactive content. I have chosen H5p because I am a bit comfortable using it, but mostly because it is already a tool that is integrated in the UCU Moodle platform. I am going to practice it more so as to be able to comfortably pass on the skill to all the lecturers that use the Moodle platform.

    5. Content creation
    Lecturers come to the eLearning Centre and request for their class sessions to be recorded, and many students and staff want their project presentations to be recorded. In order to bring out good content of the recorded videos, we need a content creation tool.

    One of the tools we have used and we hope to continue using is the Windows movie maker, a video editing software by Microsoft. This tool enables us to create and edit videos which we publish on our social media pages and on the learning platform.


    Uganda Christian University

    Faculty of Journalism, Media and Communication

    Digital Pedagogy Training

    Name:             Jatim Morris

    Email:             donjatimmorris@gmail.com/mjatim@bbuc.ac.ug

    Tel:                 +256 – 784/756 - 414583

    Station:           Bishop Barham College Kabale



    Describe any five tools and platforms you would use in your digital learning facilitation/ teaching, justifying why and how you would use each of the tool or platforms?


    Digital learning encompasses a number of multimedia features for educators and learners to interact with. Some of the common multimedia tools that digital learning employs are; text, pictures, sound, spoken messages, hyperlinks, visual highlighting to mention but a few to afford important teaching and learning opportunities.  It employs a wide range of technology through blended learning, flipped learning, personalized learning, and other strategies that rely on digital tools/platforms such as; laptops, desktop computers, Internet and the Web, mobile devices, social media platforms, Learning Management Systems and other computer applications.  This writing thus highlights my top (five) tools and platforms to use in digital learning.

    1.  Laptops and desktops: Arguable one of the greatest integration in teaching and learning due to the enormous storage capacity, processing speed and ability to support communication through internet connectivity. This helps in fostering engagement with students, taking course notes, conducting research, sending emails, conducting online classes through live video streaming and chats, making classroom presentations through the use of presentation programs etc.

    For instance using Ms – PowerPoint, teachers and students can create visual appealing slides containing text, graphics, hyperlinks, videos and images that can be used for classroom presentation. By carefully mixing the different media, a presentation can appeal to a number of different learning styles and can be made more stimulating.

    Additionally, classroom notes can be modified, stored, printed out and shared online using the various computer applications.

    Through the use of interactive content creation tools such as Engageform (to create quizzes, surveys, and polls), H5P (open – source content collaboration tool) a teacher can create, share and reuse interactive contents for students.

    2. Learning Management System (e - learning platform): Oliveira (2012) points out that, the potential that IT offers may make e – learning closer to the classroom mode in relation to personal interaction and preserve the distance between teachers and students, in order to improve the process of mediated communication, systematic guidance and constant monitoring, focused on the formation of skills and attitudes that allow the student to have learning process autonomy in a continuous self – education.

    Learning Management System (LMS) is a useful platform for managing distance education by exploring tools such as; file (lecture notes) upload and download by students, real time assessment and feedback to students, discussion forums, interactive content creation and sharing to mention but a few.

    3. Mobile Devices (Android tablets and smartphones) and Social Media: Mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) today are widely used in teaching and learning because of their enhanced features, such as computer power, increased storage capacity, attractive interface, Wi-Fi connectivity and upload capabilities. Social media, on the other hand, provides teachers and learners with the ability to get more useful information, connect with learning groups and other educational systems that make education convenient (Dlamini, 2019). Together, teaching and learning can be made interesting and interactive by;

    Connecting with students and discussing important topics via social media.
    Uploading and downloading notes and other educational materials via WhatsApp, YouTube, and Facebook.
    Using them in research process – extract data, compile and produce useful content for research.
    Enhanced Learning Management Systems – instant chat, video, forums to share information and other lesson resources to help students.

    4. Google Drive and Google Docs: Google Drive is a powerful online tool that offers 15 GB free data storage and then syncs your documents to the cloud automatically. On the other hand, Google Doc is an online word processing program that allow teachers and learners to do collaborative work, get feedback in real time, share their documents on the web, and brainstorm as a team. For instance, using Google Doc, a teacher supervise a student working on a research in an engaging way by offering instant feedback through comments, modification of errors, providing links to materials online etc. rather than doing it manually using pen and paper.

    More, Google Docs uses google search to find images that can be added to your document and make it more visually appealing.

    5. Zoom Cloud Meeting: Arguably one of the best online video conferencing application that creates a real time classroom environment.

    As an educator, Zoom is an amazing software that can be used for live classroom teaching through videos and chat (messages). Participants can ask questions and make contributions in the classroom making it interesting and engaging.

    Additionally, members can also share their work using the various file formats supported by the software (videos, audios pdf, MS. Word, MS. PowerPoint, etc.).


    Dlamini, K. (2019). The Role of Social Media in Education. London College of International Business Studies, London. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from lcibs.co.uk/the-role-of-social-media-in-education
    Oliveira, E.G. (2012). Learning Management Systems (LMS) and E – Learning Management: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 13(2), 157 – 180. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from https://dialnet.unirioja.es


  • I would use the following tools in digital learning/teaching facilitation.

    1. Google tour creator. This app allows trainers and facilitators to create their own Virtual Reality (VR) tour using imagery from Google's Street View or their own 360-degree photos. I would use this to create immersive educational learning content and immerse learners in places they will not be in possession to go to physically for example; this would work well for geography teachers and students to minimize costs for field trips and tours where a teacher can go out and take 360 degree photos and use google tour creator to create a VR tour which the students can use.

    2. Piktochart. This will be used to create interactive graphs, charts and visually appealing presentations with multimedia content to better the learning experiences of learners. For cases where statistics are hard to present, this tool can simplify the presentation and delivery of such data for learners to easily understand. One can present and plot geographical data using maps which one can customize basing on the data you want to present. The tool also enables sharing of the finished/designed work both online and offline which is a good component of a good tool.

    3. H5P. This tool enables the creation of interactive learning content. It makes learners active in the learning process since they have the opportunity to interact with the content. It is a good tool to use because one can integrate the different multimedia elements (text, photos/graphics, audio, and video). I would use this to create assignments, tests, and quizzes for learners to attempt.

    4. Windows movie maker. This is an offline software/ tool for video editing and production. I would use this for producing educational learning videos for situations that may be best delivered through a video. For example instead of describing a tourism site through text or audio, it would be better for such to be done through a video recording that can be edited using windows movie maker, published online and shared with the learners to watch before and after class engagements.

    5. Instate street view. This is an online tool that allows one to view street-level imagery from your desktop and mobile phone, search addresses/locations and see the street panorama view of the address. Instant Street View is works like Google street view. Images and overviews of the street can be zoomed for a clearer picture and can be saved directly from the street view using a screenshot tool like snipping tool or nimbus). You can also share the view by embedding into other platforms/websites. This tool can be used to easily get a direction from the street view and nearby locations to your destinations or places where you want your learners to see.

Published by
Gerald Businge

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