1. Define term drug dependence.
  2. State any two drugs of abuse.
  3. Give three reasons why people abuse drugs.
  4. Suggest any two effects of drug abuse to the family.
  5. Give any three ways of preventing drug dependence in our community.
  6. What are essential drugs?
  7. Outline any three laboratory manufactured essential drugs  you know.
  8. State any two qualities of essential drugs.
  9. Why is it not advisable to buy essential drugs from shops?
  10. Give any two effects of drug misuse to the human body.
  11. Define drug prescription.
Olepor Ben

I am a dedicated professional primary teacher with an experience of 6 years teaching integrated science currently teaching at Vision for Africa primary school. I participate in Item setting and marking exams at school, district and national level with Uganda National Examination Board and still moving. So with the experience and qualification above; I feel competent in changing lives through integrated science.

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Olepor Ben

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