1. Define the term Entrepreneurship
  2. Give four factors that affect the supply of entrepreneurs in your country (4 mrks)
  3. (i)Define the term entrepreneur (1 mrk)

(ii)Outline the functions of an entrepreneur (3 mrks)

  1. State any four factors that enhance the supply of entrepreneurship in an economy (4 mrks)
  2. What factors limit the supply of entrepreneurs in your country? (4 mrks)
  3. (a) What is meant by subsistence output? (2 mrks)

(b)Discuss the merits and demerits of a large subsistence sector in an economy (16 mrks)

  1. (a)Define the term commercial production and explain the factors that retard the growth of the commercial sector in an economy (12 mrks)

(b) Suggest policies that can be adopted to expand commercial production in your country (8 mrks)

  1. (a) Account for the survival of small-scale firms alongside large-scale firms in Uganda (10 mrks)

(b) Explain the merits of small-scale firms in your country (10 mrks)

  1. (a) Distinguish between economies of scale and diseconomies of scale (4 mrks)

(b) Explain why small scale firms continue to exist despite  the enormous advantages enjoyed by large scale firms (16 mrks)

  1. (a) Differentiate between equilibrium of a firm and equilibrium of an industry( 4 mrks)

(b)Examine the implications of large scale industrial firms in an economy (16 mrks)

  1. (a) Distinguish between a firm and an industry (2 mrks)

(b) Examine the factors that have influenced the growth and performance of firms in your country (18 mrks).

  1. (a)Distinguish between horizontal integration and vertical integration of firms ( 4 mrks)

(b)Explain the factors that limit the integration of firms in developing countries (16 mrks)

  1. Give four factors that affect the supply of entrepreneurs in your country (4 mrks)
  2. (i)Define the term entrepreneur (1 mrk)

(ii)Outline the functions of an entrepreneur (3 mrks)

  1. State any four factors that enhance the supply of entrepreneurship in an economy (4 mrks)
  2. What factors limit the supply of entrepreneurs in your country? (4 mrks)
  3. Give four factors that affect the supply of entrepreneurs in your country (4 mrks)
  4. (i)Define the term entrepreneur (1 mrk)

(ii)Outline the functions of an entrepreneur (3 mrks)

  1. State any four factors that enhance the supply of entrepreneurship in an economy (4 mrks)
  2. What factors limit the supply of entrepreneurs in your country? (4 mrks)



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