1. What is excretion?
  2. How does excretion differ from defecation?
  3. Why should waste products be removed from the body?
  4. Name any 3 major excretory organs in the human body.
  5. Which waste products are excreted by:-
  • skin
  • kidney-
  • lungs
  • liver
  1. What name is given to the process by which harmful metabolic waste products are removed from the blood?
  2. Apart from the excretion, state one other function of the kidney?
  3. How are the lungs similar to the kidney in their function?
  4. In what way are alveoli in mammals similar to gills of fish?
  5. Why does the air breathed out contain more carbondioxide than the air breathed in?
  6. Mention 4 ways of maintaining the lungs in proper working conditions?
  7. In which group of animals are wastes excreted by diffusion through the cell membranes?
  8. Match items in A correctly with those in B

A                                                   B

Lungs                                           kidney stones

Liver                                             ring worm

Skin                                             cirrhosis

Kidney                                          tuberculosis


  1. Complete the following statements correctly
  2. Part of the kidney which filters impurities form blood
  3. Part of the kidney where water and sugar are reabsorbed
  4. Part of the kidney where urine collects
  5. Tubes which conduct urine to the urinary bladder
  6. What is the main importance of excretory organs?
  7. Suggest 3 functions of the skin in the human body
  8. Give one way people can care for the skin
  1. Which part of an insect has a similar function as that of the lungs in a human being?
  2. Why aren’t we advised to eat a lot of salt in food?





Olepor Ben

I am a dedicated professional primary teacher with an experience of 6 years teaching integrated science currently teaching at Vision for Africa primary school. I participate in Item setting and marking exams at school, district and national level with Uganda National Examination Board and still moving. So with the experience and qualification above; I feel competent in changing lives through integrated science.

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Olepor Ben

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