1. For any field work study you conducted either as a group or an individual
i) State the topic of the study. (2 marks)
ii) Outline the objectives of the field work study. (4 marks)
b) Explain the steps you carried out before you went for field work. (6 marks)
c) Draw a panoramic view of the area studied and on it mark and name;
i) Physical features.
ii) Human features. (8 marks)
d) Outline the recommendations for the area of the field work study. (5 marks)
2. For a field work study you conducted on a forest,
a) State the;
i) Topic of study. (2 marks)
ii) Objectives of the fieldwork study. (4 marks)
b) Draw a sketch map of the area and on it mark and name;
i) Human features.
ii) Physical features. (8 marks)
c) Explain the problems you encountered while collecting data from the field work study. (6 marks)
d) Outline the activities you carried out after the field work. (5 marks)
3. For any one field work study you have carried out on a Trading centre.
a) i) State the topic. (02marks)
Outline the objectives of the study. (03marks)
b) Draw a sketch map to show the lay out of the trading centre and on it mark and label the
i) Physical features
ii) Land-use activities (07marks)
c) Describe the relationship between the physical features and land-use activities of the area studied. (08marks)
d) Explain the factors that led to the establishment of the trading centre. (05marks)
4. For any one field work study you have conducted either as an individual or group;
a) State the;
i) topic of the study. (02marks)
ii) objectives of the study. (03marks)
b) Describe how any three of the following field work techniques were used to collect information during the field study.
i) sampling
ii) map orientation
iii) interviewing
iv) recording. (09marks)
c) Outline the merits of using the techniques chosen in (b) above. (06marks)
d) What were the findings of your field work study? (05marks)
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