In this activity, you will observe different forms of leaves and classify them.
What you need:
1. Collect small branches with leaves attached. (black jack, hibiscus, mango, cassia/indigofera, cassava, pumpkin, wild millet, lantana camara, jacaranda/flambouyant, pawpaw/morning glory/sweet potato or yam)
2. Group/sort the collected leaves according to:
i) arrangement of leaves on the stem (opposite, alternate, whorl, and spiral)
ii) leaf types (simple & compound) depending on whether the lamina is divided into leaflets or not.
iii) external structural characteristics – leaf petiole/leaf sheath, texture of leaf lamina (hairy or non-hairy), leaf apex (round or pointed), leaf margin (serrated of entire), leaf base (swollen or not swollen), type of venation (parallel or network).
Fill in the table below.
Table of Characteristics for Five Leaves
Construct a flow chart for the leaves using the characteristics
in table.
4. Observe and identify external parts of leaves A and E, draw and label.
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