• Using the Internet and library resources, research the ownership and control of today’s

major media companies and government monopolies. List their major holdings. What impact might this ownership have on access, choice and freedom of expression? Research the laws that are in place in your country or community to regulate media ownership and control

  • Assess the role of alternative or independent media in your Select one example, and describe the key ingredients that make it independent. In what ways does it allow people to participate in the democratic process? In what ways is it different from mainstream media?
  • Research the work of organizations that promote freedom of expression or protect journalists, such as Article 19, the Committee for the Protection of Journalists, Reporters Without Borders or regional and national NGOs. Focus on the work of journalists supported by these organizations and identify the key elements of their work that makes the worthy of support
  • Discuss why the government should respect the right of media to editorial independence and, in particular, should refrain from putting pressure on the media with respect to their news and current affairs In this context, discuss the following quote from Corazon Aquino, the former President of the Philippines, who led the transformation that made her country’s authoritarian government into a democracy


‘So closely intertwined is the concept of press freedom with democracy that a leader must approach any attempt to impose even the most legal limitations on it with great care. The risks are great, not only to one’s reputation as a democratic leader, but to one’s virtue and commitment to democracy. For  the totalitarian temptation is immense and there are always sycophants who would be willing to help one stretch the meaning of democracy to include a multitude of despotic sins.’

Expand the discussion to other potential influences over editorial independence and suggest how such undue influences could be prevented.

◾ Discuss what is meant by a narrowly defined law.



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