CS5: Assignment on Implications of Using ICTs

Attempt all Questions

  1. State three health risks associated with continued usage of computers.
     (03 marks)
  2. Explain the positive and negative effects of using computers to the society. (17 marks)
  3. What is meant by the term green computing? (03 marks)

(b) Explain at least 7 advantages of green computing. (07 marks)


Kakuru Benard is a distinguished specialist in Digital Learning and teaching. A consultant trainer and researcher in ICTs, computer science and geography, Kakuru has also published books with the Uganda National Curriculum Development Centre, undertaken Interactive and Adaptive Digital Content Creation with Yaaka Digital Network (www.yaaka.cc), digital content creation and optimization for online learning, and digital classrooms in order to help learners and teachers improve at all levels. Since 2015 Kakuru Benard has taught ICT, trained teachers, tutors and lecturers in ICT Integration, multimedia and digital communications and digital pedagogy, helping them to learn and teach better in organizations and schools including Equatorial College School, St Joseph of Nazareth High School, Yaaka Digital Network, as well as Multimedia and 21st Century Skills trainings with Makerere University Department of Journalism and Communication, Brac Uganda, Uganda Christian University, Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Uganda Martyrs University, UNICEF, US Mission and FAWE Uganda. Kakuru Benard is a graduate from Uganda Martyrs University.

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  • It leads to musculoskeletol problems due to having sore muscles and complaints of the muscles
    It causes stress disorders due to increased pressore placed on one in her workplace environment
    It leads to increased risks of blood clots due to sitting in one position for too long
    2.It facilitates business process and other activities thus making the work simple and less time consuming
    It can store so much information on computers making it easy to handle information for bussiness applications
    It can perform multitasking and multiprocessing capabilities of data
    It is very easy to access and use data for business application
    It can store documents secretly on computer system
    It gives error free result so that we can use it for research,engineering work and other areas
    It can be used for various purposes like education,business and industries
    It is used for communication system through the use  of internet,email and internet phone system
    It helps to automate the office and business process
    It provides greater access to computerized resources using internet and computer based encyclopedia.
    It is an expensive system so people may not be able to afford it and use this system that creates digital divde on society
    It encouranges and facilitates less privacy
    It has a bad impact on job market hence increasing unemployment
    Chances of data stolen and hacking that destroys data
    It is fast changing technology so it is required to be updated timely
    Some people of society may be badly affected due to illiteracy of computers thus they will suffer with computerized system due to illiteracy of computer system
    It facilitates computer crime and cyber theft
    3.It reduces energy consumption that leads to reduced GHG emissions and fossil fuel usage
    It is cost-effective due to less energy usage and cooling requirements
    Helps in the presentation and effective utilization of natural resources
    It encourages reuse and recyclability that will result in a lesser number of  electronic wastes
    Uses non-toxic components which do not pose any health harzard to the end-users
    Causes a considerable reduction in the quantity of heat produced from computing devices 
    Inspires people to reduce,reuse and recycle
    Helps in improving the public image of an individual 

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