Name the division / municipalities that make up Kampala district.

State the neighbouring districts of Kampala / Wakiso.

Why is Kampala considered a special district.

Draw the map of Kampala.

Give a reason as to why Kampala is highly populated.

How useful is Kampala as a city to the people of Uganda.

From which animal was Kampala named?

Mention the seven hills on which Kampala was built.

On which hill were the administrative headquarters before independence?

What makes Kampala district different from other districts.

Why is Kampala district densely populated?

Write down four functions of a district.

Draw a compass showing cardinal and secondary points.

Give the importance a compass.

Mention any four groups people who use a compass while doing their work.

What are land forms

Name the land forms found between two hill.

What are physical features?

Write down the physical features found in your district.

How are physical features important to the people who live near and a round them.


Jane and Emuria Charles

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Jane and Emuria Charles

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