LSC: Exercise, Rest and Hygiene Assignment Senior One

Exercise, Rest and Hygiene Assignment

Activity 5.1: Understanding exercise

In groups of six, discuss the following:

i) What is exercise?

ii) Why should one sweat during exercises?

iii) Make a list of activities that one can do in order to exercise?

Activity 5.2: Explaining the different types of exercises

In groups of 6:

i) discuss and come up with a list of five aerobic and five anaerobic exercises.

ii) prepare and make a presentation of your suggestions.

Activity 5.3: Understanding rest

In small groups, discuss:

i) what rest is.

ii) the benefit of having enough rest.

iii) the different forms of rest.

In groups of five, discuss and draw up an exercise routine for a week, putting into consideration the need for rest.

LSC: Exercise, Rest and Hygiene Assignment Senior One 1






In small groups:

i) engage in any form of exercise set up by the group members.

ii) share and write down ideas about your inner feeling when you engage in physical exercises.

iii) what would you miss if you did not engage in such activities?

iv) identify the reasons why you need rest.

v) identify forms of rest you normally undertake.

vi) explain what would happen if one worked continuously without resting

Activity 5.4: Explaining the importance of sleep

  1. As a class, identify the items you use for ensuring a sound sleep
  2. Which environment would you recommend for one to have a sound sleep?
  3. Identify some challenges one would face if one failed to have sufficient sleep

Activity 5.5: Understanding our body

In relation to the different parts of your body:

i) state what you like about them.

ii) find a partner and share your thoughts.

iii) you can now share your ideas with the class

Activity 5.6

In groups of 6 – 8, discuss and answer the following questions. Share your group

findings with the class.

i) Identify the different parts of the face.

ii) How do you keep the different parts of the face clean?

iii) State the different materials used in taking care of the different parts of the face.

iv) Show how you can wash your face correctly.

Caring for the teeth

Activity 5.7

In groups:

i) discuss the reasons why we need to keep the mouth and teeth clean

ii) write down the different materials which are used in cleaning the teeth.

iii) discuss the different ways of brushing teeth.

iv) Now go and brush your teeth using the materials provided. (You need to have brought the materials

that you use for brushing your teeth.)


Activity 5.8: How to care for the hair

In groups of 6 – 8:

i) hold a discussion with your neighbour and write the different steps you follow while cleaning your hair.

ii) identify what manufactured materials can be used to keep your hair clean and neat.

iii) discuss and identify what local materials can be used to keep your hair clean and neat.

Activity 5.9: Checking personal hygiene

Read, reflect and answer

Do you wash your hands after . . .

i) using the toilet?

ii) blowing your nose?

iii) cleaning animal waste or garbage?

iv) touching a sick person?

v) cleaning a baby?

vi) changing nappies?

Do you wash your hands before and after . . .

i) eating?

ii) preparing food?

iii) treating wounds or cuts?

iv) touching a sick or injured person?

v) carrying a baby?

Activity 5.11: Understanding the importance of bathing


In small groups:

i) What advice would you give to a friend who does not bath on a daily basis?

ii) Compose a poem about the importance of bathing and record it using a voice recorder.

iii) Find locally available materials that can be used in cleaning of the various body parts of the body. Carry them to class to share your experience with your classmates.

Activity of Integration

Health professional recommend that for full body wellness, one needs to do exercises, have enough rest and keep high level of hygiene. However, it is observed that many people especially the youths are visibly below the healthy threshold since they hardly get enough time to exercise, rest and take care of their personal hygiene. This puts them at risk of diseases that could have been avoided.

  1. Using your experiences acquired through studying this topic, write a newspaper article to promote healthy living through exercise, rest and proper hygiene.
  2. Showcase practically the correct ways of exercising and keeping proper hygiene tohelp young people stay healthy

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