LSC: Skill Development and Diet Assignment

Activity 8.2: Practising complex skills

Practise the following skills:

  1. Run and jump into a sand pit. Check how far you can jump.
  2. Run, hop, step and jump into a sandpit. Check how far you can hop, how long you can step and the overall distance you can jump into the pit.
  1. Run, clear a bar placed on two parallel stands and land onto a soft surface. Take note of how high you can jump.
  1. In pairs, with one throwing the ball, the other jumps to catch a high ball then land safely. Explore the different ways in which you can catch the ball as well as ways you can land safely

Activity 8.3: Understanding factors that affect performance

i) In small groups, identify the factors that can affect your execution of skills so far learnt in this chapter.

ii) Do categorize the listed factors under physical, physiological, psychological and environmental.

iii) Prepare a simple presentation about how feeding affects skill performance.

Activity 8.4: Understanding dietary needs

In six groups, assigned each of them one class of nutrients and let them:

  1. discuss and come up with the meaning of the food class assigned to them.
  2. suggest sources of such nutrients from the foods they eat from their locality.
  3. state the importance of the nutrient to an exercising person.
  4. describe the body’s dietary needs in terms of energy, growth and repair of cells.
  5. discuss the dietary needs for physically active individuals, and justifying why athletes need special dietary recommendations.
  6. explain the different energy needs of different categories of people.

Activity 8.5: Understanding healthy eating

i) In pairs, share with your partner what you think a healthy meal is.

ii) Come up with a list of foods one can consider to have at a particular meal.

Activity 8.6: Understanding eating habits

i) In pairs, discuss and share the meaning of these two terms: overeating and undereating.

ii) In groups of six, discuss and note down the reasons you think lead to overeating and undereating.

iii) Outline some of the disadvantages of over-eating and undereating.

iv) Discuss and note down the bad eating habits you know.

v) Suggest ways how one can avoid such habits.

vi) Demonstrate some of the good eating habits you know and share with the class

Activity of Integration

A number of physical education students observe that many people walk and run in a wrong way. Similarly majority of the population have very limited knowledge about what to eat for purposes of health promotion. These two factors, in the long run, affect their physical health and physical independence at middle age.

  1. From your knowledge of basic movement skills, design a practical activity programme to help the community correctly learn the various basic movement skills.
  1. Based on locally available foods, design a weekly mealing plan that can appropriately guide the promotion of health of the community members.

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