1. (a) The following extract, which begins on the first beat of the bar, requires a different time signature for each bar. Put in the three correct time signatures. (6 points)
(b) (i) Describe the chords marked A, B and C in the extract below as I, II, IV or V.
Also indicate whether the lowest note of the chord is the root (a), 3rd (b) or 5th (c).
The key is C minor. (6 points)
Chord A: ……….
Chord B: ……….
Chord C: ……….
(ii) Rewrite the left-hand part of bar 2 (marked X) so that it sounds the same, but using the tenor C clef. Remember to put in the key signature. (3 points)
2. Describe fully each of the numbered melodic intervals (e.g. major 2nd). (10 points)
3. The following melody is written for clarinet in A. Transpose it down a minor 3rd, as it will sound at concert pitch. Remember to put in the new key signature and add any necessary accidentals. (10 points)
4. Look at this extract from a song, Mit dem Groenen Lautenbande, by Franz Schubert and then answer the questions that follow.
(a) Give the meaning of:
i. Massig
(i) Describe the time signature as:
Simple or compound:
Duple, triple or quadruple:
(ii) Add the correct rests to the left-hand piano part to complete bar 2. (2 points)
(iii) Give the technical name (e.g. tonic, dominant) of the voice note in bar 5 marked X.
Remember that the key is B flat major.
(iv) Describe fully (e.g. major 2nd) the bracketed harmonic interval marked Y in the right-hand piano part of bar 7.
(v) The dotted F in the left-hand piano part of bar 10 (marked Z) is worth
(i) This extract is from a song written for a tenor. Write the voices below in the correct order from lowest to highest. The first answer is given. (4 points)
Mezzo soprano – Bass – Alto – Baritone – Tenor – Soprano
Bass __________________
(ii) Name a standard orchestral instrument that normally uses the treble clef and state the family to which it belongs. (4 points)
Instrument __________ Family __________
(iii) Now name the highest-sounding member of a different family of orchestral instruments. ______________
5. (a) Using semibreves (whole notes), write one octave ascending of the melodic minor scale that has this key signature. Begin on the tonic and remember to include any additional sharp, flat or natural signs. (5 points)
(b) Using semibreves (whole notes), write one octave descending of the major scale that begins on the given note. Do not use a key signature but put in all necessary sharp or flat signs. (5 points)
(a) Compose a complete melody for unaccompanied violin or oboe, using the given opening. Indicate the tempo and other performance directions, including any that might be particularly required for the instrument chosen. The complete melody should be eight bars long.
(15 points)
Instrument for which the melody is written: ……………
Compose a melody to the following words for a solo voice. Write each syllable under the note or notes to which it is to be sung. Also indicate the tempo and other performance directions as appropriate. (15 points)
Back comes the wind full strength
With a blow like an angel’s wing,
(Answers will vary).
7. Suggest suitable progressions for two cadences in the following melody by indicating ONLY ONE chord (I, II, IV or V) at each of the places marked A-E. You do not have to indicate the position of the chords, or to state which note is in the bass. (10 points)
Show the chords:
EITHER (a) by writing I, II, etc. or any other recognized symbols on the dotted lines below;
(b) by writing notes on the staves.
Chord A ___________
Chord B ___________
Chord C ___________
Chord D ___________
Chord E ___________
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