• Using relevant library and Internet resources, research between 5 and 10 news stories of the past year on a national or global Identify which of the expectations listed above are met in each of the stories. What are the key elements in these stories that make them effective examples? For any of the stories that didn’t meet these expectations, suggest changes that could have been made to improve them.
  • Write a short essay arguing that readers have an obligation to approach the news with an open mind and not just with a desire that the news reinforce existing
  • Select coverage of a local issue or story and examine it Part of being media  and information literate is having the awareness of, and the ability, to apply the above criteria to the coverage that various issues receive. To what extent were citizens’ expectations being met in the local example? What impact did the coverage have on the local community? Where citizens’ expectations were not being met, what recourse did citizens have to address problems? What roles can media and information literacy play in supporting citizens?
  • Do you agree that the well informed citizen is better equipped to make decisions and to participate in a democratic society? Why? Write an editorial expressing your
  • Discuss: How is the role of information viewed and valued in your society? What do you think is the relationship between information and knowledge and between information and power?

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