Sample activity of integration on LSC S1:Oral literature and traditional stories

Oral literature and traditional stories Imagine that you need to teach learners in a lower grade about the problems
surrounding HIV/AIDS. They need to be told how the disease can be transmitted
and treated. They must also understand the importance of being regularly tested
in order to know their status once they are older and sexually active.

  1. Consider the problems associated with going for an HIV/AIDS test. Discuss how young people often feel about this, for example, sometimes it is easier to pretend that all is well.
  2. Prepare an entertaining or amusing role play on the topic. Make up appropriate characters and think of a setting for your role play. Remember to include all the important information as part of your role play.
  3. Practise performing the role play. Decide whether or not it is good enough to perform for a group of younger learners.

Summary of key concepts
In this chapter, you have learnt to:
1.Tell a story through role play.
2.Discuss different characters in a story.
3.Identify themes and patterns in stories.
4.Plan and retell a personal experience.
5.Listen to stories retold.
6.Complete a role play and tell real and imaginary stories.
7. Tell stories from your own experience.

tumugonze Timothy

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tumugonze Timothy

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