1 The subsistence pattern of pastoralists all around the world is based on maintaining herds of ______________________ .
a) cattle
b) large herbivores
c) both of the above
d) none of the above
2 Which of the following pastoralists herded reindeer?
a) Saami or Lapps
b) Mongols
c) Masai of East Africa
3 Which of the following kinds of pastoralists would be most likely to have stable, permanent villages that they return to every year?
a) transhumance pastoralists
b) nomadic pastoralists
c) herbivorous pastoralists
4 Pastoralism is usually an adaptation to __________________________ .
a) treeless arctic wastelands
b) tropical forests
c) semi-arid open country
5 Which of the following statements is true concerning pastoralists?
a) Compared to pedestrian foraging societies, the economic and political power of most pastoralist women is very high.
b) The division of labor is based primarily on kinship.
c) The animals herded by pastoralists are rarely killed for family use alone.
6 Which of the following traits are typical of pastoralist men around the world?
a) They tend to be cooperative with each other and aggressive towards outsiders.
b) They usually have the ability to make important economic decisions quickly and to act on them independently without hesitation.
c) both of the above
7 Which of the following traits would likely be found in pastoralists societies?
a) polygyny
b) patrilineal descent
c) older men are the leaders
d) all of the above
8 The Mongol pastoralists were _______________________ during the 13th and 14th centuries A.D .
a) unsuccessful conquerors
b) easily defeated in war by settled agricultural societies
c) both of the above
d) none of the above
9 During the 20th century, most national governments tried to force pastoralists to stop their migrations and to reduce the size of their herds in order to prevent over-grazing. What has been the result of this?
a) Pastoralists have usually become convinced of the importance of reducing the size of their herds.
b) These efforts at controlling them have been consistently resisted by pastoralists.
c) Most pastoralists have given up their old ways of life and have become farmers.
10 Which of the following is true of North American cattle ranchers today?
a) They still follow a traditional pastoralist subsistence pattern.
b) They usually share with traditional pastoralists the same basic outlook on life and also value strong male personalities.
c) none of the above

Tumwine Edward

I am a God fearing Ugandan involved in the Digital Communications, Training and Platform development.

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Tumwine Edward

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