Qn.  How can poor water supply affect the community?

Qn. Mention some of the ways water gets contaminated

Qn. Give the ways of reducing water contamination

Qn. List the diseases associated with contaminated water

Qn, how can water be made safe for drinking?

Qn. What is the best way water-borne diseases can be controlled?

Qn. Why cholera is called a water-borne disease?

Qn. Why trachoma is called water cleaned disease?

Qn. How can water cleaned diseases be controlled?

Qn. Why malaria is called a water habitat vector disease?

Qn. Why bilharziasis is called a water habitat vector disease?

Qn. Why should the home environment be kept clean?

Qn. How can the home environment be kept clean?

Qn. How is sharing accommodation with people and farm animals dangerous?

Qn. What are the factors considered before choosing a site for a house?

Qn. Why should the site for the house be well drained?

Qn. In a health survey, it was found out that there was a well shared by people and farm animals to get water in a community with a population of one million people.

  1. What health concern is the community likely to face?
  2. Identify the control measures to address the above problem.
  3. Mention the PHC activities that you can engage in to promote health
  4. How can information about health be passed on to members in a community?

Qn. Why does the government need to collect information on?

  1. Population?
  2. Immunization?
  • Housing?
  1. Health services?
Olepor Ben

I am a dedicated professional primary teacher with an experience of 6 years teaching integrated science currently teaching at Vision for Africa primary school. I participate in Item setting and marking exams at school, district and national level with Uganda National Examination Board and still moving. So with the experience and qualification above; I feel competent in changing lives through integrated science.

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Olepor Ben

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