(ii)Mention three agents of production in an economy (3 mks)
(ii)Outline two reasons why payment to land are referred to as economic rent (2 mks)
(ii)State any two factors that influence the level of economic rent (2 mks)
(ii) Name three different factor prices in an economy (3 mks)
(ii)Mention any three assumptions underlying the law of variable proportions (3 mks)
(ii) Under what circumstances may the above law fail to operate (3 mks)
(ii)State two advantages of horizontal merging of firms in your country (2 mks)
(ii)List any two advantages of merging of firms (2 mks)
(b) Give any two conditions necessary for the success of lateral integration of firms (2 mks)
(ii) Mention two causes of excess capacity in an economy (2 mks)
(ii)State two uses of profits in an economy (2 mks)
(ii)Give two merits of partnership (2 mks)
(ii)Give any two demerits of partnerships in your country (2 mks)
(ii)Give two objectives of a firm (2 mks)
(i)Real economies and pecuniary economies of scale (2mks)
(ii)Transfer earnings and transfer payments (2 mks)
(ii)Give two reasons why firms operate at excess capacity (2 mks)
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3(a) why do we political Eduction in the New Uganda curriculum? (b) Explain the roles…
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