Create a database for Jett Car Hire Ltd saved as your name and personal number and carry out the following tasks.
(a). Design a table saved as drivers to hold the above data. (02 marks)
(b). Design a tabular form having a sky-blue background colour, footer of your name you will use to populate the table. Save the form as Data Entry. (04 marks)
(c). Design three queries that will return workers who:
(i). have no remarks against their records. Save the query as Not Appraised. (02 marks)
(ii). drive Car_Type that is not a Wish. Save the query as Not Wish. (02 marks)
(iii). celebrate birthday in the month of January. Save the query as Born Jan. (02 marks)
(d). Create a report to return drivers who drive a Premio Car_Type. Save the report as Premio. (02 marks)
(e) Create a report having all the records on one sheet. Save the report as All. (02 marks)
The report should have the following details:
(i). A good red line boarder. (01 mark)
(ii). Group and sort your records in order of car_type (01 mark)
(iii). Add a title: MOTO VEHICLES INFORMATION REPORT size 24 (01 mark)
(f) Add an image Motor.png on your report to serve as a logo (01 mark)
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Question Two - oclever anyango