Sample Activity of Integration – Domestic Animal Rearing

Rearing domestic animals is one of the fastest emerging enterprises in agriculture due to an increasing demand for livestock products. However, the periodic outbreak of notifiable diseases such as black quarter, foot and mouth diseases, rinderpest and African swine fever causes serious economic losses to the farmers. This is because the diseases can wipe out the whole herd within ten days of infection. Abortions, miscarriages, still births and farrowing to offsprings are some of the signs of the diseases that reduce productivity significantly. Also, animals and their products, when infected with a notifiable disease, are not allowed to be moved to the market.

Sample Activity of Integration - Domestic Animal Rearing 1

Imagine you are a pig farmer living in an area susceptible to African swine fever, design a brochure you can use to educate farmers on how to control diseases to enable them easily market livestock and their products.


Herman Nnyanzi is a multimedia journalist and communication specialist with vast experience in developing content and supporting communication at Ultimate Multimedia Consult. As part of his work at Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Nnyanzi is a certified trainer in multimedia journalism and has facilitated trainings at top organizations including Makerere University, KIU, Cavendish University among others.  He has participated and mastered good practices in media monitoring, multimedia content development, research, Digital learning facilitation and social media management. He can ably write, design graphics, produce audio and video, take photos, as well as interactive for learning and communication. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication in 2019 from Makerere University.

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