Sample activity of integration on LSC S1:Travel

  1. Read the text below.
    Safe, regular, fast, reliable and affordable transport is necessary for a country’s economy. Transport is important for moving products, from the farmer to the market, and from the mines to the industries, local and abroad. It also enables workers to get to their places of employment in time every day, and takes them home every evening. Finally, a reliable transport system is important for the development of tourism.

Local and international tourism is the most important source of income in many countries. It enables a country to exploit its natural resources such as lakes, forests and wild animals to attract tourists. Cultural
practices, like festivals and dances can also be used to attract tourists.

  1. Imagine the transport services are not reliable in your area. The government is now doing a survey to find out more about the transport needs and how to improve the transport services in your area. You have been selected as one of the people to advise.
    Prepare the notes you will use as you talk to the person doing the survey. Consider:
    a) The type of transport need and the type of people to use it.
    b) What is in place and how it can be improved.
    c) How what you are suggesting would help boost economic activities.

Summary of key concepts

In this chapter, you have learnt to:

  1. Make suggestions about journeys and means of transport.
  2. Use appropriate language and vocabulary to describe travel experiences.
  3. Choose appropriate adverbs and adjectives related to the topic.
  4. Understand travel instructions given orally and in writing.
  5. Use the real and unreal conditional
  6. Understand specific details in broadcast information related to travel
  7. Get information while travelling from other travellers and officials.
  8. Use action verbs related to giving directions
  9. Pronounce consonant sounds that are often confused.
  1. Scan texts for information.
  2. Understand symbols and abbreviations in texts.
  3. Fill in application forms.
  4. Make reservations using different media and for different purposes.
  5. Pronounce past tense endings.
  6. Identify the language of different greeting cards.
  7. Understand and use conjunctions.
  8. Know the format of a formal letter.
  9. Explain the conventions of formal writing.
  10. Use polite language.
  11. Follow recorded audio/video messages/scenes for guidance on the correct
    use of the language.
  12. Prepare activities and assignments using a word-processing program.
tumugonze Timothy

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tumugonze Timothy

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