Sample Activity of Integration on LSC S2: spreadsheet

The following table shows the monthly income (in ‘000) of KLC Company
Limited for the year 2019

Sample Activity of Integration on LSC S2: spreadsheet 1

The company spends 27%, 17%, 11% and 14% of the monthly income on food, communication, transport and medical fees respectively. KLC Company Ltd needs to automate a spreedsheet such that when its income changes, all the other values adjust automatically.


  1. Automate a spreed sheet to compute or generate;
    1 total annual income.
    2 average monthly income.
    monthly expenses on food, communication, transport and medical fees.
    3 total expenses incurred every month.
    4 percentage of the balance in relation to the income of every month
    all the values in i-iv if the monthly income was increased by 10% in
    5 Present the monthly balances of the year graphically and produce
    a hardcopy.
    (Hint: Record all your figures as whole numbers and make use of the sheets
    ions .

th;s chapter, you have (earned about:
Commonly Used Spreadsheets
Exploring MS Excel 2016 Interface
Working with Spreadsheets
Navigating through a Spreadsheet
Selecting a Range of Cells
Inserting Rows and Columns
Resizing Rows and Columns
Sorting and Filtering Data
Using Charts in Excel
Headers and Footers
Printing Worksheets and Workbooks

tumugonze Timothy

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tumugonze Timothy

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