sample activity of integration on origin of man

Activity 2.6: Realities about origin of humankind
a) Organise a debate on the motion: “Traditional theories of origin of man a better than the scientific theories”.
b) Appoint the chairperson, secretary, opposes and proposers.
c) In your notebooks write the raised views and critique them in consultation with your teacher.

sample activity of integration on origin of man 1

In an essay;
a.Explain the different theories of creation in Lucky Dube’s song?
What is the key message in the song and how is it related with the origin
and creation of man?
Analyse the origin of humankind according to this song.

Chapter Summary
The different theories of the origin of man indicate that man has evolved. Where a the biblical Quranic account acknowledges God as the creator of man, scientific theory seems to be silent about God. Through these theories we appreciated who we are, what we do as well as where we fit as human beings

tumugonze Timothy and Opul Bonnyz

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tumugonze Timothy and Opul Bonnyz

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