Sample Activity of Integration on Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

Rancidity (spoilage of food), corrosion and change in colour of sliced fruits and other food stuffs are some of the causes of losses in both industries and homesteads.

Sample Activity of Integration on Oxidation and Reduction Reactions 1

Unsaturated fats, such as those in fish and chicken, are more prone to rancidity
than to saturated fats.
Rancidity lowers the nutrient content of food and brings about unpleasant smell to those food stuffs, thus, rendering them unfit for human consumption. Corrosion affects metallic objects, causing them to lose efficiency. E ask As a Chemistry learner, write a report to sensitise people in the following businesses about the causes of rancidity, change in colour of food stuffs and corrosion.
b) Construction hardware
c)Hotel management

tumugonze Timothy

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tumugonze Timothy

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