Sample Activity of integration on religions in East Africa

Sample Activity of integration
The Pentecostal Church has become the largest and fastest-growing form of Christianity in Uganda. There has been an exodus of believers from traditional churches a few years ago and have flooded these churches! The churches are zealous in their attempts to gain converts and create miracles. They focus too
much on feelings and personal experiences rather than the Bible. They place their emphasis largely upon “spiritual gifts” rather than on Christ, who He was, what He said and did.

Sample Activity of integration on religions in East Africa 1

a) Why ate so many Pentecostal churches spreading out in Uganda?
Why do you think people are running away from their traditional churches to Pentecostal churches?
c) Discuss the contribution of religions in the development of Uganda. Chapter Summary
The corning and the spread of Islam and Christian missionaries was a success in the ‘9th Century East Africa. While so many people were convinced to believe and subscribe to the foreign religions, others remained strongly committed to the African traditional religion. Different periods have had invasions of foreign Religions using one reason or the other.

tumugonze Timothy

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tumugonze Timothy

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