Sample Activity of integration on state formation in East Africa

sample Activity of integration
In 1993, the government of Uganda restored kingdoms and chiefdoms but with no political powers. The subjects of these institutions welcomed their restored kings and chiefs with a lot of expectations from them. Despite their continued efforts to serve their people, they have faced a number of challenges that
hamper their progress. Support Material

Sample Activity of integration on state formation in East Africa 1

Discuss the challenges (aced by tho testate Kingdom’s and chiefdoms in U)oanda today,
Suggest ways how best those Kingdoms and chief donns can fulfill their
toles and tesponsihiIiti0$ towards their subjects.
Chapter Summary
In this chapter. you have been able to dtaw a distinction between the centralized and decentralized states. known the characteristics of the pte-colonial states, explained the factors for their gtowth and expansion, located these societies on a to East Africa and lreant lessons ftonn these societies.

tumugonze Timothy and Opul Bonnyz

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tumugonze Timothy and Opul Bonnyz

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