Sample Activity of Integration – Rabbit Rearing

According to nutritionists, rabbit meat contains a high percentage of easily digestible protein and has a low fat content. It is also almost cholesterol-free and the sodium content is lower than that of other meat. Many young people keep rabbits as pets but rarely view rabbits as good protein sources. Whereas rabbit meat is recommended for good human health, its consumption is being outcompeted by the well-developed meat industries of beef and poultry. This results into low consumption of rabbit meat.

Rabbit Rearing

Write a speech you would deliver at a workshop to promote consumption of rabbit meat.


Herman Nnyanzi is a multimedia journalist and communication specialist with vast experience in developing content and supporting communication at Ultimate Multimedia Consult. As part of his work at Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Nnyanzi is a certified trainer in multimedia journalism and has facilitated trainings at top organizations including Makerere University, KIU, Cavendish University among others.  He has participated and mastered good practices in media monitoring, multimedia content development, research, Digital learning facilitation and social media management. He can ably write, design graphics, produce audio and video, take photos, as well as interactive for learning and communication. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication in 2019 from Makerere University.

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