Sample activity of integration – Weather and Climate

An international farming group wants to invest in a variety of crop and livestock farming activities in your region. As a student of geography, they have approached you to provide useful weather and climate information to support these activities. Use the knowledge and skills you have acquired in this chapter to write down a detailed plan on how you are going to study, collect and present the information.

Revision exercise

  1. Your class intends to carry out a field study on the weather experienced in the locality of your school.

(a) State three ways in which you would prepare for the study.

(b) Describe how you would use the following instruments for the study.

(i) Rain gauge

(ii) Six’s thermometer

(c) In what ways would your class benefit from studying weather through


2. (a) Name two elements of weather that can be recorded in a school weather station.

(b) Give three reasons why the recording of weather in a school weather station may be inaccurate.

  1. Suggest two reasons why some instruments in a weather station are kept in a Stevenson’s screen.
Faustine Kakiiza and KAKURU BENARD

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Faustine Kakiiza and KAKURU BENARD

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