SUBMATH: Trigometry Assignment


  1. Find x and H in the right triangle below.

  2. Find the lengths of all sides of the right triangle below if its area is 400.

  3. BH is perpendicular to AC. Find x the length of BC.

  4. ABC is a right triangle with a right angle at A. Find x the length of DC.

  5. In the figure below AB and CD are perpendicular to BC and the size of angle ACB is 31°. Find the length of segment BD.

  6. The area of a right triangle is 50. One of its angles is 45°. Find the lengths of the sides and hypotenuse of the triangle.
  7. In a right triangle ABC, tan(A) = 3/4. Find sin(A) and cos(A).
  8. In a right triangle ABC with angle A equal to 90°, find angle B and C so that sin(B) = cos(B).
  9. A rectangle has dimensions 10 cm by 5 cm. Determine the measures of the angles at the point where the diagonals intersect.
  10. The lengths of side AB and side BC of a scalene triangle ABC are 12 cm and 8 cm respectively. The size of angle C is 59°. Find the length of side AC.
  11. From the top of a 200 meters high building, the angle of depression to the bottom of a second building is 20 degrees. From the same point, the angle of elevation to the top of the second building is 10 degrees. Calculate the height of the second building.
  12. Karla is riding vertically in a hot air balloon, directly over a point P on the ground. Karla spots a parked car on the ground at an angle of depression of 30°. The balloon rises 50 meters. Now the angle of depression to the car is 35 degrees. How far is the car from point P?
  13. If the shadow of a building increases by 10 meters when the angle of elevation of the sun rays decreases from 70° to 60°, what is the height of the building?
Mugisa Geofrey and Ashaba Fredrick

Mugisa Geofrey Zziwa is a learning facilitator with Ultimate MultiMedia Consult. With knowledge of the following topics:  Digital Pedagogy training or digital teaching skills, how to integrate ICT in teaching.  Journalism and the Internet/Computers (How internet helps journalism)  Basic web design & CMS and Multimedia Content publishing  Digital security and safety basics for journalists  Best practices for ensuring safety online  Data Mashups  Collaborative digital content development tools  Live streaming and Live reporting  Immersive Storytelling tools and practices  Among others I have conducted a number of trainings which include: • Multimedia Journalism and Digital Safety training for university Students held in Makerere University, Kampala International University and Cavendish University and sponsored by the American Embassy Uganda. • Digital Pedagogy training for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Teachers held in Iganga Girls SSS in Iganga District for Eastern region Uganda, St. Maria Gorretti in MPigi District for Central region Uganda, and Teso College ALOET for the Karamoja region Uganda. Sponsored by Forum for African Women Educationalists Uganda (FAWEU) Training Teachers on integration of ICT in teaching and delivering lessons to students. • Digital Pedagogy at American Center for Teachers by Teachers In Need (TIN) Uganda. • Facilitator on Digital Pedagogy with ICT Teachers Association Uganda (ITAU) at American Center, Kyebambe Girls SSS in FortPortal for western region Uganda, Dr. Obote College Boro Boro Lira for Nothern Region Uganda.

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Mugisa Geofrey and Ashaba Fredrick

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