Enter  the  following  transactions  in  Peter  Collins  cash  book  for the month  of  January           2002,  balance  it  off  and  post  them  to the  ledger. 2002 Jan.

1st  started   business  with  cash  at bank               10,000

2nd  paid  for  fixtures by  cheques                            6,600

4th  cash  sales                                                         2,250

5th  paid  rent  by cash                                            1,400

6th  Mr.  Muhindo  paid  him  by cheque                    1,880

8ths  purchases  made  by cheques                           3,180

10th  Received cash  from  Mr.  Ajwanga                   3,000

12thpaid  wages  in cash                                            2,750

14thRecived   a cheques  from  Ms.  Katongole          3,000

16th  withdrew  cash  from  bank  for  office  use         2,500

17th  got  money  from  bank  for personal  use         5,000

20th  Bought  stationery,  paying  cash                      1,000

31st  paid  cash  into  bank                                       1,050


Record  the transactions  below  in  a cash  book  of  Muwanga  and  necessary  accounts  on            double  entry  system.

Feb.  2002

1st  started  business  with  cash in hand                                    10,000

2nd  opened   a bank   account  with Crane  bank  with  a  deposit  of shs.      1250

3rd  bought Motor van  for cash                                                            3,600

5th  Bought  goods  on credit  from  Musoke                                         5,400

8th  cash sales, paid  directly  into  bank                                               3,300

10th  paid  for stationery  by  cheques                                                 2,800

13th  paid  insurance  in cash                                                               2,000

16th  cash sales   to date                                                                     3,500

18th  cash  purchases                                                                           2,300

23rd  paid Museoke  by cheques                                                            3,000

25th  sold  goods  on credit  Owino                                                       2,400

26th  paid  for  heating  expenses                                                         1,000

28thwithdrew  cash  from  bank  for  office  use                                    2,100

29th  Received  cash from  Owino                                                         2,400


Record  the following transactions  in the  books  of  Masagazi  and  post  them  in their   relevant  ledgers,  dully  balanced  off  and  extract  a trail  balance.

2003  April

1st  commenced  business  with   cash  a t  bank               22,500

4th cashed a  cheques  for                                                      8,500

5th  Bought  premises  by  cash                                            3,300

7th  Bought  goods  paying by cheques                               4,000

10thcash  sales to sate                                                           8,500

13th  Bought stationery  by  cheques                                  2,800

16th  paid   for  salary in cash                                             2,500

18th  sold  goods  on  credit to Ouma                                  3,400

20th  banked  cash                                                                2,000

22ndbought  goods  on  credit from  Musa                         4,500

25thpaid  for insurance  in cash                                           1,400

26th  Received   cash  from  Ouma                                      3,400

28th  Paid  Musa  by cheque                                               2,600

30th sold more  goods  by cheques                                     6,000

31stcash  purchases                                                               1,500

31stwithdrew  cash from  bank  for private use                    5,000

31stPaid  cash  into bank worth                                         6,700 shs.


Enter  the  following  transactions  in  Kasodde’s  cashbook, open up necessary accounts  in the   ledgers and  balance  them  off  at  the end of the month  and  extract a trail  balance.

March  2002.

1stKasodde  commenced  business  with  cash of  1,300 and  in  bank  1,500

2nd  he  bought  shop  fittings  for  160 in  cash

3rd  He  bought  goods  for cash  300

5th  He  sold  goods   and received a cheques  of  400

6thHe  sold  goods  for cash  150

10th he bought goods for  200 by cheques

15th  cash sales  500

17th  paid carriage  inwards  for  10 in  cash

20thHereceived   a bank  loan  of 500  by cheques

22nd  He   paid  wages in cash  20

23rd  He paid  for  electricity by cheques 15

27th  He paid  for rent  in cash 20.


From  the  following  transactions,  draw   up a three  column  cash book  for the  month  of  February  2006  and  balance  off  at the end of the month

Jan.  2002

1st Started business  with  cash  at bank                                    100,000

2ndBought  goods  for cash from Musa  50,000  less  12.5%  discount

4th  sold  goods  for cash  60,000 less 2,000  discount

8th  cash  sales  to date                                                                 30,000

12th  paid  Musa  Shs.  50,000  by cheques  5%  discount

14th  paid  rent in cash                                                                  4,000

22ndwithdrew  Shs.  30,000  for business  use

24thsold  goods  by  cheques                                                        50,000

26thBanked  cash                                                                           10,000

28thBought  stationery by cheques                                               40,000

29th  received cash from   were 40,000  less  10%  discount



Kimuli Fred

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Kimuli Fred

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