Step One Quiz Answers

Answers for the Church Growth & Leadership Quiz
(answers are bolded)

1.    The responsibility for growing the church rests primarily with the
a)    Minister
b)    Board of Trustees
c)    Membership
d)    All of the above
e)    None of the above

2.    When the church does not grow, it may be because
a)    The Minister is not cultivating new members
b)    The Board is not cultivating new members
c)    The church is not adequately being promoted in the community
d)    There is too much talk about money
e)    There are underlying systemic and cultural issues

3.    In healthy “growing” churches, the process for becoming a member of the church community is
a)    Simple—having no specific requirements or financial commitments
b)    Fulfilled over time as specific requirements and financial commitments are met, and membership competencies are demonstrated

4.    The most effective method of promoting the ministry is through
a)    A diverse schedule of programs and activities
b)    Newsletters, emails, mailings, newspaper and cable TV ads
c)    Word of mouth—people in the church bringing a family member or friend
d)    A dynamic slate of exceptional speakers and presenters
e)    An innovative marketing program that targets a likeminded audience
5.    The most reasonable explanation for a person who has been coming to church for a while and then suddenly stops coming is
a)    They got what they needed and moved on
b)    Conflict with the minister
c)    Minister / Board conflict
d)    For whatever reason, they decided that the church was not their spiritual home
e)    They didn’t like the music
f)    Too much talk about money
g)    They couldn’t connect with the community
h)    All of the above

6.    When someone leaves the church, it is best to
a)    Bless them on their way
b)    Have the Minister find out why they left the church
c)    Have the Board find out why they left the church
d)    Wait three weeks and then send them a “We Miss You” card.

7.    Which one of the following church growth scenarios do you prefer? Imagine you are a church with a Sunday attendance of 100 adults and you successfully implement one of programs below.
a)    The Sunday attendance stays the same, but the church income doubles
b)    The Sunday attendance doubles, yet the annual church income only increases by 25%.
8.    The best method for cultivating Board integrity and a healthy Minister / Board relationship is
a)    Require the Minister and Board to adopt performance standards as set forth by the Unity Worldwide Ministries policy manual
b)    Co-create basic agreements and guidelines for how the Minister and Board can best support each other in creating an integral partnership
c)    The Minister should establish clear guidelines for a healthy Minister / Board relationship
d)    The Board should establish clear guidelines for a healthy Minister / Board relationship

9.    Which one of the following is not the responsibility of the Board of Trustees:
a)    Represent the opinions and interests of individual or groups within the church
b)    Act in the best interests of the membership as a whole
c)    Provide the Minister with objective feedback regarding the Minister’s performance
d)    Fundraising, visioning and strategic planning

10.    Which one of the following is not the responsibility of the Minister:
a)    Keep confidential all personal contacts, visitations, and counseling engagements with congregants
b)    Participate in determining the qualifications of candidates to serve on Board of Trustees
c)    Maintain records and report to the Board all pastoral contacts with church members
d)    Fulfill co-created performance agreements established by both the Board and the Minister

11.    Which one of the following is not the responsibility of the Membership:
a)    Hold the Minister and Board accountable to creating a healthy organization
b)    Be financially committed and meaningfully involved in the organization
c)    Have a voice in who serves as Minister and who serves on the Board of Trustees
d)    Determine the programs and activities of the organization
e)    Help first-timers connect to the community by cultivating a welcoming environment

12.    What’s the most important question to ask church members?
a)    What activities are you willing to support?
b)    Do think the Minister and Board are doing a good job?
c)    How can this ministry better serve you?
d)    What’s missing for you, that if it were here and a part of this ministry, you’d bring a friend?

Tumwine Edward

I am a God fearing Ugandan involved in the Digital Communications, Training and Platform development.

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Tumwine Edward

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