Felsic and mafic are terms used by geologists to describe:
A) composition of continental and oceanic crust.
B) behavior of earthquake waves.
C) the mechanical behavior of rocks.
D) none of these.
The boundary that separates the crust from the mantle is called:
A) the crust-mantle boundary.
B) the lithosphere.
C) the Moho.
D) all of these.
The inner core is most likely composed of:
A) silicon.
B) oxygen.
C) sulfur.
D) iron.
The principle of continents being in buoyant equilibrium is known as:
A) isostasy.
B) the principle of buoyant equilibrium.
C) the elastic rebound theory.
D) none of these.
A positive gravity anomaly indicates:
A) an excess of mass.
B) a deficiency in mass.
C) a reversal of the gravitational field.
D) none of these.
Positive gravity anomalies are often associated with:
A) deep ocean trenches
B) ore bodies beneath Earth’s surface.
C) large cavern systems beneath Earth’s surface
D) all of these.
A positive magnetic anomaly indicates:
A) a body of magnetic ore.
B) an intrusion of gabbro.
C) mafic rock masses.
D) all of the above.
Which of the following is not an example of isostasy?
A) deep mountain roots.
B) crustal rebound.
C) ocean basins are deeper than continents.
D) all of these.
The S-wave shadow zone is evidence that:
A) the outer core is liquid.
B) the outer core is composed of iron and nickel oxides.
C) the inner core is solid.
D) it is very hot near the core.
The physical evidence that the core is composed mostly of iron is:
A) the known mass of Earth requires material of high density at the core.
B) scientists have sampled the core and determined its composition.
C) volcanoes regularly erupt material from the core to the surface.
D) all of these.
The velocity of seismic waves varies through Earth because:
A) temperature varies within the Earth.
B) density of rocks varies within the Earth.
C) the composition of rocks varies within the Earth.
D) all of these.
Convection is likely occurring in:
A) the mantle.
B) the outer core.
C) both the mantle and the outer core.
D) throughout the Earth.
The interior composition and structure of Earth have been deduced in part from:
A) studies of meteorites.
B) deep drilling projects.
C) analyses of the behavior of seismic waves.
D) all of these.
Heat inside Earth:
A) is generated by radioactive decay.
B) is uniform throughout the interior.
C) decreases with increasing depth.
D) none of these.
The geothermal gradient in the crust averages:
A) 25 degrees Celsius per kilometer.
B) 1 degree Celsius per kilometer.
C) 10 degrees Celsius per kilometer.
D) 100 degrees Celsius per kilometer.
Heat flow to the surface of Earth:
A) varies from place to place.
B) is highest in areas of active volcanism
C) is lowest in stable continental interiors.
D) all of these.
The boundary between the crust and mantle:
A) coincides with the boundary between the asthenosphere and lithosphere.
B) is marked by a change is velocity of seismic waves.
C) is the source of the S-wave shadow zone.
D) none of these.
The largest portion of Earth’s volume is:
A) the crust.
B) the mantle.
C) the inner core.
D) the outer core.
The composition of the upper mantle is known because:
A) samples of mantle rock have been analyzed by scientists.
B) meteorites are believed to be similar to the mantle.
C) some caves on Earth extend into the mantle.
D) none of these.
The average thickness of the crust is:
A) 10-12 km.
B) 30-50 km.
C) 100-150 km.
D) 1 km.


Tumwine Edward

I am a God fearing Ugandan involved in the Digital Communications, Training and Platform development.

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