1 State the iron’s law of wages (4 mrks)
2 What are the applicability of subsistence theory in determination of wages (5 mrks)
3 Briefly explain the limitations of the iron law of wages in Uganda (5 mrks)
4 What does wage fund theory say about wage determination and give its limitations (10 mrks)
5 Explain the marginal productivity theory of wages (5 mrks)
6 To what extent is the marginal productivity theory of wages applicable to developing countries? (5 mrks)
7 What is the difference between residential theory and bargaining theory of wage determination (5 mrks)
8 What are the various factors that influence the level of wages in an economy? (5 mrks)
9 List down the causes of wage differentials you know (5 mrks)
10 differentiate between individual and sectoral wage differentials (6 mrks)
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