1)   The energy of an isolated system
a. is always decreasing
b. is always constant
c. is always increasing
d. none of the above

2)   The term which can differentiate thermodynamics from other sciences is ____.
a. Pressure
b. Temperature
c. Mass
d. none of the above

3)   The thermodynamic work done by the system on the surrounding is considered as ____.
a. positive
b. negative
c. neutral
d. none of the above

4)   When the heat transfer into a system is more than the work transfer out of the system, then
a. the internal energy of the system remains constant
b. the internal energy of the system decreases
c. the internal energy of the system increases
d. none of the above

5)   Practically heat and work are completely interchangeable forms of energy
a. True
b. False

6)   First law of thermodynamics provides
a. a statement that energy balance occurs when a system undergoes the change of state or the process
b. a statement about whether the change of state or the process is at all feasible or not
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

7)   The thermodynamic cycle in which net heat is transferred to the system and a net work is transferred from the system is called as
a. refrigeration cycle
b. heat engine cycle
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

8)   Which of the following is NOT the heat engine cycle
a. refrigerator
b. stem power plant
c. mass of gas confined in a cylinder and piston machine
d. none of the above

9)   Efficiency of heat engine cycle is the ratio of

a. total heat input to the cycle (Qin) to net work output of the cycle (Wnet)

b. net work output of the cycle (Wnet) to total heat input to the cycle (Qin)
c. net work output of the cycle (Wnet) to heat rejected from the system (Qout)
d. none of the above


10)   A thermal energy reservoir (TER) has
a. a finite heat capacity
b. an infinite heat capacity
c. a finite mass
d. none of the above

11)   Two reversible adiabatic paths
a. can intersect with each other
b. cannot intersect with each other
c. may intersect or may not intersect
d. none of the above

12)   Which property of a system is constant in reversible adiabatic process?
a. pressure
b. volume
c. temperature
d. entropy

13)   Thermodynamics is the study of
a. energy
b. equilibrium
c. entropy
d. none of the above

14)   What is the cyclic integral of dQ/T for reversible process?
a. less than zero
b. zero
c. more than zero
d. none of the above

15)   What is the cyclic integral of dQ/T for irreversible process?
a. less than zero
b. zero
c. more than zero
d. none of the above

16)   Any reversible path may be substituted by a reversible zigzag path between the same end processes such that the heat transfer during this zigzag path is equal to the heat transfer during original path. What are the processes involved in the zigzag path?
a. reversible polytropic and isobaric process
b. reversible polytropic and isothermal process
c. reversible adiabatic and isothermal processes
d. none of the above

17)   When a system is taken from state A to state B through a reversible path 1 and again the system is taken to its initial state A from B through different reversible path 2, then what will be the effect on entropy?
a. entropy increases
b. entropy decreases
c. entropy remains constant
d. none of the above

18)   What is the exergy of a system?
a. The minimum work that can be extracted from a system till it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings
b. The maximum work that can be extracted from a system till it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings
c. The maximum entropy that can be increased in a system till it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings
d. none of the above

19)   What is the effect on quality of the energy when it is conserved?
a. the quality of the energy increases while conserving its quantity
b. the quality of the energy decreases while conserving its quantity
c. the quality of the energy remains same while conserving its quantity
d. none of the above

20)   Which analysis/analyses is/are required to make energy conversion or energy conveying system more efficient?
a. First law or energy analysis
b. Second law or exergy analysis
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

21)   What is a pure substance?
a. a homogeneous mixture of two substances of same composition
b. a substance with constant chemical composition throughout its mass
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

22)   A pure substance exists in
a. solid phase
b. liquid phase
c. gaseous phase
d. all of the above

23)   What is a mole of a substance?
a. One mole has a mass numerically equal to half the molecular weight of the substance
b. One mole has a mass numerically equal to the molecular weight of the substance
c. One mole has a mass numerically equal to double the molecular weight of the substance
d. none of the above

24)   According to the Avogadro’s law, what is the relation between volume of 1 kg mol of oxygen and volume of 1 kg mol of nitrogen, at normal pressure and temperature? (Mass of 1 kg mol of oxygen is 32 kg and mass of 1 kg mol of nitrogen is 28 kg)
a. volume of 1 kg mol of oxygen is greater than that of nitrogen
b. volume of 1 kg mol of oxygen is less than that of nitrogen
c. volume of 1 kg mol of oxygen is same as that of nitrogen
d. none of the above

25)   A single phase pure substance has following properties p, V, T, S, U, H, F (Helmholtz function) and G (Gibbs function). Any one in these properties may be expressed

a. as a function of the same property

b. as a function of any one other property
c. as a function of any two other properties
d. none of the above

26)   Joule-Kelvin effect can be carried out by
a. throttling process of gas
b. Joule-Thomson expansion of gas
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

27)   What will be the net change in internal energy of working fluid of power cycle over the complete cycle?
a. net change in internal energy of working fluid will be positive
b. net change in internal energy of working fluid will be negative
c. no any net change in internal energy of working fluid
d. none of the above

28)   What is the relation between net energy transferred to unit mass of the working fluid as heat in the power cycle and net energy transfer as work from the working fluid in the same power cycle, if the cycle works ideally?
a. net energy transferred to unit mass of the working fluid as heat in the power cycle is greater than net energy transfer as work from the working fluid in the same power cycle
b. net energy transferred to unit mass of the working fluid as heat in the power cycle is less than net energy transfer as work from the working fluid in the same power cycle
c. net energy transferred to unit mass of the working fluid as heat in the power cycle is equal to net energy transfer as work from the working fluid in the same power cycle
d. cannot say

29)   What is the formula for efficiency of vapour power cycle?
a. ηcycle = Wnet / Qin
b. ηcycle = (WT – WP) / Qin
c. ηcycle = (Qin – Qout) / Qin
d. all of the above

30)   Which processes do the Rankine cycle contain?
a. two isothermal and two isochoric processes
b. two isentropic and two isobaric processes
c. two isentropic and two isothermal processes
d. two isothermal and two isobaric processes

31)   At ideal condition of vapour power cycle, reversible constant pressure heat rejection is carried out at
a. boiler
b. turbine
c. condenser
d. feed pump

32)   Which ideal process is carried out at the turbine in vapour power cycle?
a. reversible adiabatic compression
b. reversible adiabatic expansion
c. reversible constant pressure heat addition
d. reversible constant pressure heat rejection

33)   In the T-s diagram of vapour power cycle, what is the condition of stem at the starting of turbine expansion?


a. wet with dryness fraction 0.8
b. wet with dryness fraction 0.99
c. dry saturated
d. superheated

34)   The engines which are operating on gas power cycle are
a. cyclic
b. non-cyclic
c. either cyclic or non-cyclic
d. none of the above

35)   Internal combustion engine is the example of
a. cyclic heat engine
b. non-cyclic heat engine
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

36)   The cycle which consists of two reversible isotherms and two reversible isochores is called as
a. Rankine cycle
b. Carnot cycle
c. Stirling cycle
d. Ericsson cycle

37)   Two reversible isothermal processes and two reversible isobaric processes are carried out in
a. Rankine cycle
b. Carnot cycle
c. Stirling cycle
d. Ericsson cycle

38)   Which thermodynamic cycle, for the same condition, has highest efficiency among the others?
a. Carnot cycle
b. Stirling cycle
c. Ericsson cycle
d. None. All of the above have same efficiency

39)   What is the correct formula for net work done of reciprocating engine?
a. Wnet = mean effective pressure × clearance volume
b. Wnet = mean effective pressure × total volume of cylinder
c. Wnet = mean effective pressure × displacement volume
d. none of the above

40)   What is the reason of the fact that the internal combustion engine does not complete thermodynamic cycle?
a. because every time fresh air is taken inside the engine and combustion products are thrown out of the engine
b. because permanent chemical change is undergone by the working fluid in combustion chamber
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

41)   The heat pump
a. receives heat from high temperature region and discharge it to low temperature region with production of useful work
b. receives heat from low temperature region and discharge it to high temperature region with production of useful work
c. receives heat from high temperature region and discharge it to low temperature region with utilization of external work
d. receives heat from low temperature region and discharge it to high temperature region with utilization of external work

42)   What is correct formula for calculating COP of heat pump?

a. [COP]H. P. = Q1 / W
b. [COP]H. P. = Q2 / W
c. [COP]H. P. = W / Q1
d. [COP]H. P. = W / Q2

43)   How is the COP of a refrigerator calculated?

a. [COP]Ref. = Q1 / W
b. [COP]Ref. = Q2 / W
c. [COP]Ref. = W / Q1
d. [COP]Ref. = W / Q2

44)   Where is main concentration in refrigeration for its calculation?
a. high temperature reservoir
b. low temperature reservoir
c. both high temperature and low temperature reservoirs
d. none of the above

45)   What is the relation between [COP]H. P. = [COP]Ref.?
a. [COP]H. P. = [COP]Ref.
b. [COP]H. P. + [COP]Ref. = 1
c. [COP]H. P. – [COP]Ref. = 1
d. [COP]H. P. × [COP]Ref. = 1

46)   What is the effect of decrease in temperature difference between two reservoirs of heat pump on its COP?
a. COP increases with decreases in temperature difference between two reservoirs
b. COP decreases with decreases in temperature difference between two reservoirs
c. COP does not affected by change in temperature difference between two reservoirs
d. cannot say

47)   Dry air does NOT contain
a. krypton
b. argon
c. neon
d. none of the above

48)   The ratio of partial pressure of water vapour in a mixture to the saturation pressure of water at the same temperature of the mixture is called as
a. humidity
b. partial humidity
c. specific humidity
d. relative humidity

49)   What is the specific humidity?
a. the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of the total mixture of air and water vapour
b. the ratio of the mass of dry air to the mass of the total mixture of air and water vapour
c. the ratio of the mass of dry air to the mass of water vapour in a mixture of air and water vapour
d. the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of dry air in a mixture of air and water vapour

50)   The boiler in which the tubes are surrounded by hot gases is called as
a. fire tube boiler
b. water tube boiler
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

Mugisa Geofrey and Yandu Amos and ALIRA DANIEL

Mugisa Geofrey Zziwa is a learning facilitator with Ultimate MultiMedia Consult. With knowledge of the following topics:  Digital Pedagogy training or digital teaching skills, how to integrate ICT in teaching.  Journalism and the Internet/Computers (How internet helps journalism)  Basic web design & CMS and Multimedia Content publishing  Digital security and safety basics for journalists  Best practices for ensuring safety online  Data Mashups  Collaborative digital content development tools  Live streaming and Live reporting  Immersive Storytelling tools and practices  Among others I have conducted a number of trainings which include: • Multimedia Journalism and Digital Safety training for university Students held in Makerere University, Kampala International University and Cavendish University and sponsored by the American Embassy Uganda. • Digital Pedagogy training for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Teachers held in Iganga Girls SSS in Iganga District for Eastern region Uganda, St. Maria Gorretti in MPigi District for Central region Uganda, and Teso College ALOET for the Karamoja region Uganda. Sponsored by Forum for African Women Educationalists Uganda (FAWEU) Training Teachers on integration of ICT in teaching and delivering lessons to students. • Digital Pedagogy at American Center for Teachers by Teachers In Need (TIN) Uganda. • Facilitator on Digital Pedagogy with ICT Teachers Association Uganda (ITAU) at American Center, Kyebambe Girls SSS in FortPortal for western region Uganda, Dr. Obote College Boro Boro Lira for Nothern Region Uganda.

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Mugisa Geofrey and Yandu Amos and ALIRA DANIEL

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