1. By the first day of employment the organization already has a substantial investment in the worker.
A. True
B. False


2. Turnover is a minor cost for an organization.
A. True
B. False


3. Orientation has a long-term benefit to the organization.
A. True
B. False


4. Orientation topics fall into two categories: general and job-related.
A. True
B. False


5. Training and development have the same goals, but different methods.
A. True
B. False


6. Training supervisors in orientation guarantees success.
A. True
B. False


7. Needs assessment is primarily designed to find out what the trainee wants to learn.
A. True
B. False


8. Good orientation programs still need follow-up.
A. True
B. False


9. Well-written training objectives determine training needs.
A. True
B. False


10. Laboratory training offers an excellent opportunity for transference.
A. True
B. False


11. This study guide is an example of self-study.
A. True
B. False


12. The pre-test post-test design is the one used most frequently to evaluate training effectiveness.
A. True
B. False


13. Training is always a good investment for employers.
A. True
B. False


14. Employees are most likely to quit:
A. during the first few months.
B. at 4 to 6 months.
C. at 6 months to one year.
D. after three years.
E. no pattern exists.


15. Turnover can be any of the following except:
A. expensive for the employer.
B. a waste of the organization’s resources.
C. indicative of failures in human resource management.
D. costed on some profit/loss statements.
E. usually the fault of the employee.


16. Well-written training objectives should include all of the following except:
A. cost estimate.
B. acceptable performance criteria.
C. desired behaviour.
D. conditions under which behaviour is to occur.
E. A and D.


17. Orientation programs should be the concern of:
A. the HR department.
B. the supervisor.
C. a special orientation unit.
D. top management.
E. both the HR department and the supervisor.


18. Needs assessment should consider all but:
A. the person.
B. supervisor input.
C. changes in the external environment.
D. training objectives.
E. strategic changes.


19. Needs assessment directly results in:
A. training objectives.
B. evaluation.
C. learning principles.
D. program content.
E. evaluation criteria.


20. Learning principles include all but:
A. participation.
B. repetition.
C. role-playing.
D. relevance.
E. feedback.


21. Which of the following approaches would transfer best?
A. interpersonal skills learned in the laboratory.
B. managerial skills learned though a correspondence course.
C. driving learned through a driving simulator.
D. performance appraisal learned at a seminar.
E. welding learned on the job.


22. Apprenticeship does not include:
A. classroom training.
B. experienced workers as trainers.
C. participation by craft workers.
D. vestibule training.
E. coaching.


23. The advantages of a lecture include:
A. participation.
B. feedback.
C. economy.
D. transference.
E. all of the above.


24. Role-playing is often used to:
A. organize material.
B. change attitudes.
C. provide information.
D. change results.
E. model behaviour.


25. Programmed learning is low on:
A. participation.
B. repetition.
C. relevance.
D. transference.
E. feedback.


26. Training evaluation criteria include all but:
A. reactions.
B. relevance.
C. knowledge acquired.
D. behaviour change.
E. improvements.


27. Development:
A. is a luxury most organizations avoid.
B. is short-term in nature.
C. is related to the employee’s current job.
D. increases external hiring.
E. is long-term.


28. In a well-designed orientation program, workers’ ignorance of their health benefits should be remedied by:
A. firing the person who discusses benefits.
B. reprimanding the supervisor.
C. redesigning handouts.
D. improving follow-up.
E. cancelling health benefits.


29. The overall process of turning outsiders into insiders is called _______________.



30. When properly done, orientation can _______________ employee turnover and reduce employee _______________.



31. If the buddy system is _______________ for the supervisory orientation, the supervisor loses an excellent opportunity to establish open communication with new employees.



32. Meetings held a few months after orientation to assess the information needs of employees would be an example of _______________.



33. _______________ diagnoses present problems and environmental challenges that can be met through training.



34. From studies of learning, researchers have sketched a broad picture of the learning process and have developed some _______________.



35. The fundamental characteristic of _______________ is that learning takes place through observation or imagination of another individual’s experience.



36. Reaction, knowledge, and attitudes are among the _______________ used to _______________ training programs.



37. In order to assess whether a training program has been a wise investment for the organization, the trainer should carry out a _______________.



38. The _______________ considers how quickly new levels of skill and knowledge can or should be attained.



Tumwine Edward

I am a God fearing Ugandan involved in the Digital Communications, Training and Platform development.

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Tumwine Edward

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