1 Define the term wage legislation (3 mrks)
2 With an illustration, explain what minimum wage legislation means (5 mrks)
3 Why do you think a minimum price should be set (5 mrks)
4 What are the costs of having high minimum wage (5 mrks)
5 What is maximum wage legislation (3 mrks)
6 Examine the effects of maximum wage legislation (10 mrks)
7 What do we mean by the following terms;
i piece rate method
ii Time rate method
iii Bonus payment
iv Payment in kind (4 mrks)
NLSC. Chemistry-Engaging Assignments for the New Lower Secondary Curriculum Assignment 1: Chemical Bonding Scenario: You…
4(a) what are your roles as citizen of Uganda? (b) Each and every individual in…
3(a) why do we political Eduction in the New Uganda curriculum? (b) Explain the roles…
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