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FINE ART SENIOR SIX This Senior Six Advanced Level Art and Design syllabus is designed in accordance with the National …



This Senior Six Advanced Level Art and Design syllabus is designed in accordance with the National Objectives on Secondary Education. It is a continuation of the Ordinary Level Art and Design syllabus (Lower Secondary Education). It introduces the learner to four major topics. Topic 1 has four sub-topics. Considering the workload at Advanced level, some topics have been reduced to commensurate content to time allotted to the subject. In the topic of History and Appreciation of Art, some content has been expunged to avoid overload. The syllabus content and objectives are made to align with the level of difficulty as learning progresses. The learning “areas” are under topics and sub-topics to differentiate the groupings under the same subject. The sub-topics are numbered according to the aspects handled therein. This is to ease learning and gradual understanding of the concepts. All learning topics in this syllabus have been coded “II” in order to differentiate them from the O Level syllabus content.

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