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SENIOR TWO BIOLOGY Senior Two Biology is a continuation of biology senior one course and also has more information about …



Senior Two Biology is a continuation of biology senior one course and also has more information about the units of biology provided. Topics provided here are related to each other in such a way that Transport in plants and animals happens within the plants and animals. It also has content that can give you more knowledge and it is also a compulsory course for students. This course has courses like Transport in plants and animals, Nutrition in plants and Animals. The course also has a series of videos and links in the respective units which make it easy for a person to understand the topics.

Course Currilcum

    • BIO2: TRANSPORT IN PLANTS Details FREE 1 year
    • This unit brings you the transport system in plants. Human beings have blood vessels, but plants lack the latter, thus we dive into this topic to understand how plants are able to transport mineral salts, water and food.
    • TRANSPORT IN PLANTS 15, 00:00
    • BIO2: TRANSPORT IN ANIMALS Details 1 year
    • This unit is about transport in animals in detail. Animals have special structures and pathways through which they they transfer materials throughout the Body. In this unity we dive in deep to understand these processes and structures.
    • TRANSPORT IN ANIMALS 10, 00:00
  • BIO2: SOIL Details 1 year
  • In this unit we look at soil. Without soil primary producers would not be able to make food by the process of photosynthesis, therefore all the other organism would not be able to exist.
    • BIO2: NUTRITION IN PLANTS Details 1 year
    • In this Unit we dive into the knowledge about Nutrition in Plants. How plants obtain nutrients in order to thrive in their ecosystems.
    • NUTRITION IN PLANTS 15, 00:00
    • BIO2: NUTRITION IN ANIMALS Details 1 year
    • In this Unit we dive into the Nutrition of Animals. We discover that animals depend on their surroundings to obtain Nutrients, in other words they cannot make their own food.
    • NUTRITION IN ANIMALS 10, 00:00