English is an important international language. It is used widely by millions of speakers of other languages as their common …
English is an important international language. It is used widely by millions of speakers of other languages as their common means of communication.
In your English lessons, you will build on skills acquired in previous grades and participate in more diverse and complex spoken communication.
You will read for information and enjoyment and broaden your reading habit to include a range of different texts. You will practise different types of writing, both informal and formal, and proofread your own work.
Literature is a part of the culture. While studying Literature in English, you will explore and reflect on your world and culture and learn more about oral and literary heritage. Literature in English helps develop literary and linguistic skills, which will enable you to communicate more effectively. It is an excellent way to develop life skills and values such as problem-solving, conflict management, information gathering, decision-making, critical thinking, tolerance, sharing, respect, self-esteem and confidence.
Course Currilcum
- Modern Communication Technology Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will communicate using telephones and other electronic methods and share your experiences of modern technology.
- Sample activity of integration- Modern Communication technology 10, 00:00
- Chapter Two: Celebrations Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will talk and write about the different types of celebrations. The activities include planning for a celebration, designing posters and writing speeches and invitation letters to deliver at a special occasion.
- Sample activity of integration – Celebration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 3: Parents and Children Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will learn about parent-child relationships. To maintain a good relationship with your parents in times of stress, it is important to treat one another with respect and be prepared to apologise when you have done something wrong
- Sample activity of integration – Parents and Children 10, 00:00
- Chapter 4: Anti Corruption Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will learn to identify the different types of corruption and talk about the dangers of corruption.
- Sample activity of integration – Anti Corruption 10, 00:00
- Chapter 5: Human Rights, gender and Responsibilities Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter you will talk about human rights and gender and listen to speeches on debate-related topics. You will form your own opinion on the importance of protecting your human rights. You will also recognise your responsibility to protect the human rights of others.
- Sample activity of integration – Human Rights 10, 00:00
- Chapter 6: Tourism, maps and Giving Directions Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will focus on tourism and understand its importance thereof. You will develop the skill of map reading, and be able to give and follow directions to a tourist site.
- Sample activity of integration – Tourism, maps 10, 00:00
- Chapter 7: Leisure Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will focus on leisure. Leisure is the free time that you have when you are not working, at school, doing chores at home, or sleeping.
- Sample activity of integration – Leisure 10, 00:00
- Chapter 8: Appearance and Grooming Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will focus on different kinds and styles of clothing. You will read descriptions of outfits and match pictures to captions.
- Sample activity of integration – Appearance and grooming 10, 00:00
- Chapter 9: Oral Literature Details FREE 1 year
- This chapter is linked to Chapter 6 Tourism. You should refer to Chapter 6, as it will help you with the oral literature activities in this chapter.
- Sample activity of integration – Oral literature 10, 00:00
- Chapter 10: Poetry Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you are going to study poetry, starting with To Taste a Poem. It is an extended metaphor for how much enjoyment there is to be had in studying a poem!
- Poetry – Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 11:Drama Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will learn about the different drama terms and techniques. The literature appears in different genres, such as prose (novels and short stories), poetry and drama (plays). The author of a drama text is called, a playwright.
- Sample activity of integration – Drama 10, 00:00
- Chapter 12: Prose Details FREE 1 year
- You will discuss your reading preferences with the class, explaining why you like or dislike certain genres. You will also read extracts from a novel, and answer questions about it.
- Sample activity of integration – Prose 10, 00:00
- Chapter 13: Oral Literature Language Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will listen to at least one persuasive speech, and carefully analyse what makes the speech effective. You will identify persuasive language gestures, eye contact and voice.
- Oral Literature – Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 14: Poetry Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will read about poetry and different families and their different levels of happiness. You will engage with poems about family life and think critically about their meaning.
- Poetry – Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 15: Drama Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will explore Drama and how actors use their voices and bodies to convey ideas about the characters and theme of a play.
- Drama – Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 16: Prose Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you are going to discuss a book you read at home, for enjoyment and prose. The extracts from the book, Far from Home, will help you to revise the literary terms you have learnt already, and to understand more about character development and points of view.
- Prose – Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 17: Oral Literature Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will read about oral literature and discuss celebrations. Celebrations and festivals are events that usually mark a special occasion.
- Chapter 17 Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 18: Poetry Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will be focusing on poetry by African poets and thinking critically about their meaning. Is there a difference between African poets and poets from any other continent?
- Chapter 18 – Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 19: Drama Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you will stage a simple play in a drama. To produce the play, you will use what you have learned so far this year about drama skills and techniques. You will also analyze aspects of the text while you plan and rehearse your production.
- Chapter 19 – Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00
- Chapter 20: Prose Details FREE 1 year
- In this chapter, you are going to look Prose and more carefully at a writer's description of the setting. The setting of a novel is important, as it tells you where and when the story takes place, and therefore helps you to understand what is happening.
- Chapter 20 – Sample activity of integration 10, 00:00